The Nation Will Fear You

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Aaron Firehand entered the Church of Christian Kings, and shook the Pope's hand.

"Is his condition stabilising?" Aaron asked, but the Pope shook his head.

"No, he's slowly dying. He can hardly remember who he is anymore... but he can remember who you are. He keeps asking about you." The Pope hung his head. "I'm not ready to take his mantle, I'm hardly qualified to be a pope."

Aaron put his hand on the young man's shoulder. "You'll do well. A title requires work, but the work requires a face. Without a face, or a symbol, the work will be that much more meaningless." Aaron walked down the hall to the Cardinal's study, which had been cleared out so that a bed could be put in and a plague doctor could work.

The masked doctor turned. "You must be Aaron Firehand."

"He is," Pope Fortnite lifted his head. "He is a hero, one that helped Pope Fortnite and the Conclave of Collective Kingsmen."

"Sir, you are Pope Fortnite." The doctor said, but Aaron shook his head.

"You've been asking for me, how can I help?" Aaron asked, kneeling down next to the bed.

"Pope's son... Pepperchini... the seal on him will break after my death... only you can continue to protect Las Aminour..." Pope said. The doctor shifted out, but Aaron didn't notice.

"I can seal him away, for eternity. But this isn't the real reason you called me here, is it?"

"No... the trinity have foreseen... that Brown will betray... you..."

"Alberto Brown? But he's on the war front."

"No... he's not..."

Aaron's mind raced faster than any other mortal mind, thinking of the infinite possibilities that could play out. And then it struck him. The doctor.

Aaron rushed out, and down the stairs to wear the hiding hole was. The doctor was undoing the seal, with some sort of demonic symbols.

"What are you doing, Alberto‽" Aaron shouted, but it was too late. The door opened.

"I'm opening the door to possibility."

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