In War There is Death

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On the morrow, the firing squad took their positions. Guards stationed themselves at exits and entrances, so that no one got in our out: it would be difficult to save someone.

"Alright, here comes Lycan," Parcival whispered to Simon. A human woman was brought out with a blindfold, directed the city guards. "It's now or... what is that fool doing?"

Somehow, Pope had gotten through the guards and was walking up to Lycan. The guards readied their weapons in anticipation of the "threat".

"This death is impure," he said to the pavilion. "If anyone would go forward with this, then they will feel the wrath and the word of god."

"I'm tired of this, king's father or not." A guard walked forward to take Pope away, but he turned and was instantly blown away. Pope turned back again, and lightning was crackling in his eyes. "Anyone else?"

"Move. Move now!" Parcival yelled, getting up and drawing his sword. He ran forward to take down the guards as well. Simon ran forward to Lycan.

"Aunt Lycan, it's me, Simon. Simon Ulcrates."

"Simon? I never thought I'd see you after-" Her words were cut off as she was shot in the stomach by, not the firing squad, but the Pope King himself. A fir burned at his feet, and he was gone. Just like Simon's family.

He stood there for a second, and then he wasn't there anymore. He was in a pearlescent area where Aaron Firehand was lying on a couch, reading a book titled "So You Killed Your Entire Race: For What Reason?", and didn't look up from his reading.

"Hey, can you maybe ex-" His words was cut off by a sharp "shush". He turned and saw Aaron, now sitting in a chair, holding out a book titled "So Your Family's Gone: So What?".

"He's currently trying to get over the mass genocide he cause when he killed all of the time lords." The therapist Aaron said.

"And him?" Simon gestured to an Aaron lying on the floor crying, holding an unobservable book as he was curled in a ball.

"They're all feeling Aaron's learning to hold down. If you want to know, ask him."

"Which one?" Simon said, now seeing the hundreds of Aaron in the area. He looked back at the therapist Aaron, but it was too late, he was falling. Falling into his bed.

He looked at his night desk before he fell asleep and saw the book that was in therapist Aaron's hands.

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