An Akki Funeral Pyre

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Simon attended Anri's funeral despite not being invited, not even knowing the person that died well. The only thing he knew of her was that she was James' sister.

"Death represents life, and life will always represent death." Grezible said. "We burn funeral pyres to let go of the past transgressions that happened, and to burn away any tears from out eyes. While our hearts are with the now-throned king, we forgive those responsible."

Grezible summoned a spark of flame at his fingertip, lit the pyre, and shook his hand to put the flame out. After a few seconds, the fire rose up, lifting thick smoke into the air.

"The oils and ointments on the pyre represent purity and sanctity, each person being able to put on one pint. Everyone has put on one pint, and it shows that Anri Bronzeheart will be sorely missed."

People began crying, which Simon thought was normal, but Parcival shook his head.

"Akki don't usually cry at funerals," he explained. "Because they're meant to move on. Akki are generally lone wolves, so people don't mourn deaths that much. Anri was the complete opposite. She made sure to help everyone, even if it was gathering flowers for children. This will be one death that rocks the community."

"Why are you here?" James snaps at Simon after the funeral ended. "What do you want with us that can possibly be important?"

"I just came... to attend the funeral. She was an ally." Simon explained.

"Leave. As long as I live, no Las Aminourian can cross the threshold of the Citadel of Stone." James summoned his daggers. "Now leave."

Simon left the Citadel in confusion, not quite understanding just how a man could comprehend grief as a form of revenge.

The bells rang. Amichai carried the crown to the altar. A king was crowned today.

This was the day that James Bronzeheart assumed the crown of the Citadel of Stone. Today was the day that akki hostilities increased.

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