Inside the Citadel

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Parcival stood at the archer's stand, looking down at the field. The army of Las Aminour was camped outside, and would attack at sundown. When the akki were sleepy, and not expecting an attack. They'd have to win, because the only other option was death.

And then the ground shook, and the sky turned black. Then, from the depths of the earth, a giant form dug its way out of the ground. Only someone who had been inside of Castle Aminour could describe him... Pepperchini Fortnite.

"Fire!" Parcival shouted, as he ran down the stairs. "Fire!"

Parcival pulled the lever, and the doors opened. The akki, scared to their bones, shut the door immediately, trying to protect their friend. But Parcival ran and jumped out at the last moment. James Bronzeheart jumped from the top of the mountain, using a parachute to float down to the ground. Simon Ulcrates joined the group, backed by two drones salvaged from the basement level.

"What's the plan of attack?" Simon asked.

"We have to stop the Demon Riser." James stated.

"With minimum casualties," Parcival said. "Let's do this, strait forward attack."

Parcival pulled out his longsword, and ran forward. James Bronzeheart summoned his daggers to use as a distraction. And Simon stood for a moment.

In his first battle with Pepperchini, he had no powers to speak of. They had only beaten him by an old wives' tale that Simon had remembered. No tale spoke of a monster such as this. He had his drones, but he was unsure of what they did, unsure of where they even came from. Even his technical readout was having trouble identifying what they could do.

He shook his head. "Do... something, I guess."


The drones flew forward, and released a torrent of gilded bombs that appeared to be constructed right before dropping. Materialising drones, it appeared. With the daggers and knight, the demonform of Pepperchini Fortnite was unprepared for the holy bombs. It was quickly subdued, and then the setting went quickly back to where it was before. Except for the fact that Pepperchini Fortnite was lying on the ground, and Parcival was next to him.

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