The Conclave of Collective Kingsmen

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Simon walked down the sewers, coming to the place where Aaron said to meet him. He looked up, and saw the words up on the top brick.

"Ein Washbär," he said aloud, and suddenly there was a loud grinding sound. He looked back down at the wall, and the wall was moving aside. Inside, was a wide room with a circular table. Sitting there was everyone that said that they would "help" Lycan.

"Welcome, Mr. Ulcrates, to the Conclave of Christian Kings." Aaron said, in a throne of pure gold and transparent rubies at the head.

Simon sat down, and his seat instantly becoming solid iron with bars down the back, and a farm scene at the head.

Parcival's seat was a throne of brass, with a sword sheath down the back and a vorpal blade prop at the head.

Pope's seat was a silver throne with red cushions and gold buttons. It had a drink carrier so that he could put his communal goblet.

James Bronzeheart was similar to a toddler's seat, and it had a spot where he could store his knives out of hand reach.

"What happened out there?" Simon lashed out, suddenly out of character. "Pope, you can control lightning, Parcival, you didn't know what was going on, and Aaron, where were you?"

"Who should go first?" James asked, genuinely confused about why he wasn't getting berated.

"I'll go first, because mine is a story more important. While everyone was on the offensive, I had to move my cousin. You do realise that by trying to free Lycan, we've put targets on our families' backs. Unfortunately, I'm the only one that seems to realise this."

"I did," James mumbled, but remained silent.

"And I was unsure of Pope's plan to go in and tank the soldiers, which he told us he lacked the divine might to do."

"And I did not have the divine might when I told you that, but I prayed long and hard, and fasted, to regain my holiness. I have been favoured by God again."

"If you're favoured by God, then how can you lose?"

"You might lose a battle," Parcival said, quietly. "In the course of winning a war. Sometimes, in war, there is death."

"If people die, is it really a success?" Simon asks, standing up. Aaron looks at him calmly.

"Where are you going?"

"Back to my inn room. I'm sick of this."

"You can't, because the city guard is already there looking for you. And if they find you, they will kill you. The Pope King saw the three of you, so you have to stay here. James and I can get anything, or anyone, that you need."

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