Castle Aminour

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When they arrived topside, people were yelling in the streets until they saw the Conclave of Collective Kingsmen coming. The second the people saw them, they began cheering. They knew that the reign of Pepperchini Fortnite would soon be over.

"Why are they cheering?" Simon asked Sakarai.

"Tales of what you've done, trying to save Lycan, saving the people, the death of the guard; they've all reached the ears of the people. They know what you've done, and they believe that you are the true heroes that will rule Las Aminour."

"We're not going to rule Las Aminour," Simon said, chuckling. When he saw the look on her face, he stopped. "We're not going to have to rule, right?"

"We'll see what happens inside Castle Aminour," Sakarai replies. They got up to the front doors, and a goblin gunpowdersmith was already waiting for them with the gunpowder bomb. "Careful with this, this'll tear through the crowd."

Parcival and Aaron began moving the crowd back, while James, Targot, and Parcival was arming the bomb. There was a  large explosion, and when the dust settled, the goblins were black with smoke and Parcival had his shield at the ready. Castle Aminour had been opened. The guards in the fore room, afraid a second bomb was present, instantly surrendered.

The Conclave entered, and Pope readied his divine lightning. Aaron's fist glowed with angry flames, and Parcival unsheathed his sword. James drew his twin daggers, and Simon stood behind them, having no weapon with which to fight with.

The guards rushed at them as they moved further into the castle, Simon quickly finding a sword balanced with which he could use. Aaron called it an odachi, but Simon said all swords are the same.

The odachi was a two-handed sword, which required strength and control, both of which Simon learned at his father's horse ranch. After fighting through more halls, they stood at the entrance of the throne room, where the Pope King remained. 

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