Our Little Organisation

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Aaron lounged around the Conclave, while Simon swiped through some sort of time lord technology. He decided to make conversation and bring that up.

"You know, we used to have something like that when the time lords were still in existence. They haven't been used in years."

"Do you know how to use them?" Simon asked, eyes growing big.

"No," Aaron replied. Then paused to think. "No, but I could alter reality for you to know."

Aaron touched Simon's temple, and his head jerked back as it gained massive amounts of intelligence. Pixelated particles began rising up off of his tunic, and his eyes inverted in color. Soon, Aaron was looking into black-and-magenta eyes.

"I know how to use these," Simon replies. "And I know their secrets, no-one can deny them from me."

"Are you... okay?" Aaron asks, right when the secret door opens, and a man enters with a black trench coat.

"Aaron Firehand, I have come to warn you," he says. "The akki... or goblins, or whatever are going to take the Citadel of Stone."

"I told them not to," Aaron growled, then noticed that the man wasn't an inherited member of the Conclave of Collective Kingsmen. "Who are you again, and how did you enter this place?"

"The Conclave exists in my reality... multiverse even, as well; I was part of it for a time before I was kicked out for assuming power that 'they had sought to destroy'. But then I fell through so many worlds, until I came here. And then I heard a rumour of an uprising in the Defeated Sword tavern, and went to investigate. The Conclave of Collective Kingsmen in my world would have dealt with this."

"If the akki overtake the Citadel, Genrikh Gorbachev might come to Las Aminour. And the citizens hate Genrikh Gorbachev." Simon said.

"Allow me to help with your quest," Alberto offers, and Aaron shakes his hand. They had to avoid a war that almost seemed inevitable.

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