Conclave Broken

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James Bronzeheart and Parcival viewed the progress the akki were making, and saw that the squat people were thriving in the subterranean refuge. They found niches where they could keep some of their things until a proper place was found for them. Even the children, who would usually be afraid of change, were adapting to their new home quickly.

"You do realise," Parcival said. "That Aaron Firehand and Sakarai Suna will come down on us with the full force of Las Aminour?"

"And we'll be ready." James turned, and looked out of the entrance at the open field in front of them. "They have to negotiate with us first, that is what the laws of Las Aminour states."

"Since when were you aware of the laws of Las Aminour?" Parcival asked, looking down at the akki.

"I've always been aware. The laws just never applied to me before this."

Simon Ulcrates entered the Church of Christian Kings, and Pope walked up and shook his hand.

"You've altered your body, your eyes," Pope said. "But you are still redeemable, in my eyes at least. What brings you here, friend?"

"We need your help, Pope. James and Parcival have broken the laws of Las Aminour, and have taken the Citadel of Stone as the home of the akki."

"And you need the holy might of the holy trinity," Pope replied. He looked up at the holy sign hanging from the ceiling. "But I must refuse, even though my soul yearns for the sight of battle."

"If you are okay with sharing, why are you staying in the church more often?" Simon asked, his inverted eyes scanning the area for any immediate answer, but found none.

"Did I not tell all of you, because of my son. If he were to release any kind of demon bathed in hellfire, do you not realise what kind of destruction he would destroy Las Aminour. I... keep him locked in an old hiding place designed for priest's to hide in, and I keep the holy marks on it well kept so he can't break out."

"Good man," Simon said, patting Pope on the shoulder. "Then may your god be with you."

"I hope he is, Simon," Pope said, turning. "I cannot aid in your war, but I can help you."

Pope opens a drawer, and hands Simon a holy symbol from inside it. "This is the holy symbol for the Church of Christian Kings. With this, you will be able to summon a holy spirit, our holy spirit. It will protect you, and lead you out of strife and show you the path."

"Thank you, friend," Simon shook Pope's hand again, and left to never return to the church.

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