Simon Ulcrates

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Simon Ulcrates woke up, and instantly felt a stab of pain. Oh right, his father was dying. It was the pain of losing someone you cared about.

He got up to get dressed, and go to his room. The village doctor looked up, his crow mask frowning at him.

"I'm afraid there's nothing else we can do," the doctor said, got up, and left.

Simon kneeled at the side of the bed. "Father, I can't lose you too. When mother was gone, we had nothing left. Her side of the family cut us off, and your side of the family doesn't exist."

"That's... not true, son..." It was hard for Teff to takes breaths now, something was blocking the inhalation of his lungs. "There is... someone... that you are... related to..."

"Who? And why haven't you told me of them?"

"It is my... sister Lycan. She changed her... name... shortly after being... married. She's in Las... Las Aminour now... I think... go to her, and she... will help you..." His breaths were becoming more shallow now.

"Las Aminour?" Simon had heard of the famed city, the city that was said to be where legends lived and myths walked. "Father, Las Aminour is a long ways away."

"The doctor has... agreed to take you... on the condition... that you pay him a fair... a fair pay..." Teff sat up. "Please... rely on... Akyan... If you trust him... you will never have... a more loyal friend..."

And Teff died, leaving Simon with a choice. He could stay at this failing horse ranch, or he could go to Las Aminour in search of Lycan. He turned, and Akyan was there covered in mud and holding three trout.

"I caught us some..." Akyan's voice trailed off, and he saw Teff's lifeless body. "Is he gone?"

"Forever," Simon said, and stood up. He looked out the window. "Listen, Akyan, I'm going to be blunt with you. I haven't treated you the nicest, and I'm not going to now. I want you off of this ranch, effective immediately. Take your things and go."

"But Simon, I don't have anywhere-"

"If my father's last thoughts was of a scheming dark elf, then that must be a pretty good dark elf. Which is why I can't keep you here. Go."

Akyan stood for a while, flabbergasted, then stormed away, crying. The doctor entered again.

"You sent him away?"


"Why, if I might inquire?"

"Because I'm giving you the farm in exchange for passage to Las Aminour. This is a failing plot of land, and I don't need it anymore. But I'll take what I need, and gamble it away in Las Aminour."

"Las Aminour is not a good place to gamble, Mr. Ulcrates."

"Then let me find out for myself." Simon said, grabbing a drawstring bag and shoving things inside of it.

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