Return to the Defeated Sword

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James Bronzeheart enters the Defeated Sword, and goes to the back booth where Parcival usually sits. He lets out a relaxed sigh when he saw the grand warrior.

"Parcival, I have found a land for the akki to live in!" James announced. "It's just west of Las Aminour."

"The only thing west of Las Aminour," Parcival said. "Is a war monument. It hasn't been touched for centuries... the Citadel of Stone."

For a moment, James felt as though Parcival, would finally turn his back on the akki. But then he leaned forward, placing his sword on the table.

"So then why are you coming to me if you've found yourself a home?"

"Aaron Firehand refuses to let us have it," James explained. "I thought that it would be fine, but it isn't even allowed to enter it. I thought if two Conclave members came to him, he'd allow us to have it as our home."

"And the akki don't want to wait for the elections, to deal with it diplomatically." Parcival thinks for a moment. "Gather the akki, we leave at sundown."

Hours later, Jikouji Ienori washes glasses when a man in a black trench coat enters the tavern and looks around.

"Barkeep," he says. "Tell me what conspired here."

"What do you mean?" Jikouji asks through his moustache. "Nothing conspired here."

"I wouldn't be summoned here if it were for nothing," the man says. "So tell me, barkeep, what conspired here."

"You must not be from around here," Jikouji puts the glass down, and moves toward the scimitars hanging on the wall. "But in Las Aminour, we don't much like people who come in here and demand stuff. Whether they be churches of random people off the street."

Before Jikouji could turn and grab them out of the display case, the man reached over the bar and grabbed his collar. Keeping his hold, he pulls the barkeep onto the bar, pinning him there.

"Now tell me, barkeep. Tell me, the leader of the OLO, Alberto Brown, what conspired here so that I may conspire something greater."

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