Arón's Power

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As they were walking through the sewers, Simon slowed down to talk to Arón.

"When you sat in one of the... psychic thrones, it changed into a thousand chairs at once. Why?"

"I'm a half-human, half-time lord. Because my ancestry isn't complete, I only get really good arcane arts and the ability to shape change at will." Arón changes shape into the Pope King. "It can be useful sometimes, and so does the magic."

Arón changes back. "What about you? Got any special powers we don't know about?"

"Nope," Simon replies. "Other than that I know how to raise horses."

"Even the greatest of heroes," Arón replies. "Has the most boring backstories."

"You just made that up," Simon said.

"Nope. Aaron says it whenever anyone asks him about the time lords. He never wants to talk about them, even to me."

"How long ago did they die?"

"About 700 years ago. I don't remember any of it, I was just about 200 years old back then. One day, I just remember no one being anywhere, and then Aaron said that we were going to leave the Rift and go to the planet he had spotted out. That we were going to make a new life."

"Where is this Rift? And what is it?"

"The Time Lord's Rift is a ripple in reality where the time lords used to live, before they all died in the time war. It could be tethered-"

"Wait, time war?" Simon asked, never hearing of such a war before. "When was that?"

"Right before time started, so about Year -1. The time lord's on the council were voting about if time should be started, and it created a conflict that killed the Time Master. Aaron didn't like the infighting, so he rewrote all of the time lords out of existence. The only reason I survived was because of my half-human ancestry."

"You mean... Aaron killed an entire race of reality-altering time lords... to let time flow?"

"Aaron is very loyal, even to people he hasn't met. If people needs help, then Aaron would sacrifice his life to get it. Even if it would mean a stalemate, Aaron would give his power up to see  Las Aminour thrive."

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