President and Vice-President

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Parcival returned inside of Castle Aminour, with Pope taking his son back to the Church of Christian Kings. "The people have decided to let Pepperchini Fortnite have no consequences, other than a permanent house arrest."

"That deals with him," Simon said. James Bronzeheart was beginning to annoy him by stuffing random things in his pockets. Three minutes later, Aaron would gesture with his hands and the things would return to their places. "So what's next."

"The people have to elect a new president. Seeing as how we are the ones that saved Las Aminour, they naturally want one of us." Parcival replied. "I will not be running, because I have to watch over the akki people."

"And Pope?"

"He believes that church and nation should be separated, and that makes him unable to rule."

"I will rule Las Aminour!" James yelled. "I will win this election."

"Even though you're a national hero," Aaron said. "No one will vote for an upstart akki like you."

James growled. "Watch your words, time lord, or else you'll find... you'll find that I can and will kill you!"

"Doubtable," Simon replied. "Now, that leaves Aaron and I. I could run as president, with Aaron being vice-president."

"That works for me," Aaron said, despite the voices in his head screaming for vengeance. He just saved the nation that he created, he should be the rightful ruler. But every time, someone has to get in the way.

"Well then, president elects," Parcival said, looking outside. "Time to go out and announce your political campaign."

Simon and Aaron exited Castle Aminour, but the people didn't cheer like the way Parcival said they would. Instead, they were intent on watching Sakarai Suna.

"Thank you all," Sakarai was saying. "For being so brave in the time of need during the Pope King's reign. But now it's time for a leader, that you can trust. I will reinstate everything that the Pope King tore down. And the heroes that save us, will remain that way. Heroes... that altered the history of Las Aminour.

Now, let the true history of Las Aminour to begin."

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