Elves of Arcane Might

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"This is Aaron Firehand, time master of the Time Lord's Rift, and would-be ruler of Las Aminour." The first elf said. "I am Aramil, and these are my companions: Mindartis, Valenae, and Leshanna."

"I have heard those names before... but you're myth. The old tales of the men said you were the Elves of Arcane Might, an old adventuring group after the elves left Ver D'nor. No trace could ever be found of you, so you were passed on as story." Aaron said, incredulous.

"He knows much," Valenae said. "We are the Elves of Arcane Might still, but we serve a higher purpose now. The reason no trace could be found of us was because we learned all the magic that there was to learn."

"So to preserve out knowledge, we became astral entities. Not yet deities, but rather liaisons of the world we once adventured." Mindartis said.

"And now you have come to learn the astral and arcane powers of summoning a familiar." Leshanna walked closer to the mirror. "Do you know how difficult it is?"

"Perhaps you did not hear the stories of Aaron, or Æron, as we would have know him." Aramil said, and Leshanna jumped back.

"This is Æron, time lord of Las Aminour? It cannot be. He died years ago, killed by that rampaging hydra. It still has not been killed to this day."

"The hydra hurt me, but didn't kill me," Aaron chuckled. "It's going to take a lot more than that to kill a time lord."

"Let us focus on why our esteemed guest it here," Valenae said. "Finding his familiar."

"Of course," Mindartis replied. "Aaron, I need you to repeat the Oath of Arcane Might. Are you familiar with it?"

"I am familiar with it, but my elvish is a little rusty." Aaron closed his eyes. He spoke in the elvish tongue for the first time in a long time, speaking the Oath. It said that, above all else, honor, justice, and morality was the most important.

When he stopped talking, the mirrors were cascading down, and Genrikh Gorbachev twitched his ears. When Aaron looked at him, he saw that he was petting a winged cat.

"This is a tressym, a chaotic being that seeks self-preservation. It will attack if it must, but generally doesn't care for the happenstance that goes on around it. Care for it well, and it will care for you."

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