The Pope King

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They opened the doors, and they saw the Pope King surrounded in an internal pentagram, and then they saw the portal up on the ceiling. A large, tentacled monster was slowly coming through the portal, and the pentagram surrounding the summoner could not be passed through conventional means.

"This is it," Pope said, his eyes glowing brighter with lightning. "We show our faith here, or else we'll never find the path that leads to Heaven."

Parcival and James began attempting to break the pentagram, but to no avail. Aaron and the Pope were sending elemental blasts at the monster, but to no avail. The only one left was Simon, who only had a sword to defend himself against the summoning monster.

Simon looked back at the door, and contemplated running away: far from Las Aminour, going back home even. Then he looked back into the throne room and knew that he had to avenge Lycan. Simon looked around in his drawstring pouch, and looked for anything that could come of use at this moment.

A few truffles, a glass vial of ink, the necklace that belonged to Lycan, some salt for cooking, three pounds of beef jerky, and- wait, wasn't there an old wives' tale about salt being an antithesis to the forces of evil?

Simon ran up to Aaron. "Would salt work? I briefly remember salt being able to be used to vanquish demons and stuff."

"That's..." For a second, Aaron was dazed. And then he pulled himself together. "That's genius. Pour it out onto the floor, I'll send it up there."

As soon as the salt hit the floor, it was instantly flying back up to create a sphere of salt. They began duplicating themselves, becoming more and more of an evil antithesis. When the sphere was about the size of Simon, Aaron sent it up to the roof so that it would hit the monster. It reeled back by the stinging sensation of the salt, long enough for Pope to be able to close the portal with his holy implement.

The pentagram flickered, and then failed altogether. The Pope King pivoted to look at his father. "You would dare do this to your own son?"

"I would do this to my friends and family, and even those I do not know, if they would dare suppress the people of any nation."

"You... you stand no chance against my power!" Flames roared up, but they were instantly turned to snow by a flick of Aaron's hand. "And you, reality-altering time lord. You have no right to dethrone me. Time dictated it!"

"Time dictated that you also be dethroned, so that the people of Las Aminour can see what kind of ruler they actually need."

Pepperchini Fortnite cringed back. He looked at the Conclave of Collective Kingsmen in fear, now. "Please, I'll give up my throne... but no harm must befall me."

"The people will decide your fate," Parcival said.

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