Destiny and Fate

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And so that's how it came to Alberto Brown, Aaron Firehand, and Simon Ulcrates came to planning in the Conclave of Collective Kingsmen. Eventually, Alberto spoke.

"You said something about destiny and fate, I couldn't quite grasp the concept. You said without time, that we would be left to fate."

"Time lords control destiny, because they have everything written out. You're eventually completing a grand story we have planned out for you. If there was no destiny, you'd all be left to fate. Are you fated to die, or are you fated to planeshift? It's another reason that there always has to be at least one time lord in a single reality. So that you don't have to be left alone with your fate."

Alberto thought about this for a while, before speaking again. "But there are no 'time lords' on my... universe. So how does that work?"

"Different universes have different laws, different rules. Time lords have a hard time finding out since they can't go through universes to another easily. The ones that succeed, are never heard of again." Aaron looked at the ceiling. "A lot of good time lords died because they got too curious about the ways things worked.  Until the time war, that is."

"Time war?" Simon looked up. "I don't remember you telling any of us about a time war."

"I don't tell very many people, because it wasn't a very happy moment of my life. The time lords had been arguing about the way time should work, about how it should flow... until the vote came for me. I could vote for time, and create time; or I could vote against it, and more deliberation would be put into it. And I voted against it, because I didn't believe it was finished, still don't.

"That was when the time war began. Time lords chose sides, and eventually the time master-"

"Time master?" Alberto asked.

"Yes, time master. The leader of the time lords, dutifully elected by destiny. He was killed, and that angered me. So I... killed all of the time lords, I wrote them out of existence, and all of them disappeared at once. I had committed a mass genocide to my own race. I was the last one."

"What about your cousin?" Simon asked.

"His father, my uncle, had married a human from this planet. With him dead, I took his son with me and came down to his home planet. We couldn't find his birth mother, so I took him with me when I started this grand nation."

A Nation DividedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora