Accidental Slaying

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James waddled down the street, looking for the closest sewer entrance so that he could return home. However, he was unaware of the guards that were following close behind. Quickly, they caught up to him.

"Where's the akki going at this time of night?" The taller guard asked. "Curfew started four hours ago."

"I wonder if he has anythin' to do with them Heart o' the Card people," the portly guard replied. "Maybe lookin' for some trouble to start of somethin'."

"I'm looking to return home," James replied. "And no, I have nothing to do with the Heart of the Cards. Whoever they are."

"Law says you have to go in the slammer," the portly guard said. "Akki or not, you done broke the law."

Before the taller guard could put a hand on James, a dozen akki jumped out of the shadows. They began tearing at the taller guard, and the portly guard was gone in a heartbeat. Before James could tell them to stop, the guard was already dead.

They had a killing on their hands, and now the Conclave of Collective Kingsmen was at jeopardy. James had to run to tell everyone what had happened.

"...And you said the other guard ran away when the other one died?" Aaron asked, looking at the situation.

"Yes, and he saw my face. I can now no longer go outside. I am trapped, like the others." James replied.

"Well, maybe if you hadn't been trying to play hero, you wouldn't have gotten caught."

"Listen here, human, if you say one more word, I will destroy your entire..." James stopped, remembering that all of Simon's family was gone. That was what had brought them together. "I'll do something to you!"

"We can't have infighting," Pope said. "If we are divided, how can we hope to take down the Pope King."

"It will be easier, now that ever," Parcival said quietly.

"How do you mean?"

"Now that a guard has died, the samurai will now lash out at the citizens more, which leads to more revolutionaries. Which leads to a final stand which the city guard won't be able to stand up against." Parcival looks up. "It's only a matter of time now, no longer hope."

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