The Las Nevadas Casino

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The Las Nevadas Casino, named after the founder who was killed during a high-stakes game of cards, became a shining focal point for the Distant Tundra. Aaron was surprised to see Alexei there, but then again also not surprised. During the trip, he had seemed like a gambler... but something more that Alexei hadn't known yet.

Will was playing a dice game with a group of drunk bards, a girl leaning on the wall behind him. She looked up and saw Phil, but didn't immediately recognise Aaron.

"Hey, Will, an old friend's here to see you." Will looked up, and grinned.

"Aaron, king, how are you?" He got up, and hugged the time lord, who hugged him back.

"It's been quite some time, hasn't it? Since I came through this way?" Aaron looked at him. "You've grown!"

"Yeah, I have. Say, come this way. I have a private office this way. Nicki, care to join?" He looked at the girl.

"No, I'll stay behind with Phil. You go catch up with your... old friend." Nicki was surprised to see such a reaction out of Will, who was generally mellow and monotone.

Will led Aaron to the office, and, once the door was closed, immediately became serious. "How did you know?"

"That the voices were quieting, that the vision was becoming clearer? Because you're the only one I knew who was experiencing things like this. When I started hearing the voices, I went to Pandora's Vault up in the mountains to heal myself. I found the answer, and I'm passing it on to you."

"It's some sort of magic, isn't it? Or some kind of time lord shenanigans?"

"The latter is closer to being right. In a few days, you'll meet your son you never knew you had. The reason you never met him, is because he was whisked away after the Hellfire Revolution three years ago."

"So you're saying... that merfolk?"

"I can only tell you what I can see clearly, I can't see all the details. But... your son will come in only a few days. The... time lord shenanigans exposed him to the Arcane Might, and he became a sort of demi-familiar."

"Familiars... the companions of mages and warlocks?"

"Yes, but as I said: demi-familiar. The voices will go away when he's close to you." Aaron looked out the window. "If it works for me, then it'll work for you?"

"How long will you be in town?" Will asked, moving to stand next to him.

"Until the revolution is over."

"What revolution?"

"The revolution that starts now."

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