The West Moon Hydra

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Sheerow and Akyan crouched in the bushes, waiting for the hydra that was haunting through the West Moon Steppes.

"So," Sheerow whispered. "Let's go through it again."

"Shh!" Akyan hissed. Sheerow apparently didn't hear him.

"The hydra has been alive for about 600 years when it bothered the people of Ver D'nor. It hadn't been active in Las Aminour, largely because it's been in Pigalex. Pigalex didn't deal with it, because the government there is under strain due to radicals. Maybe we could go there next and help out? Anyways, the hydra generally strikes-"

A roar comes from behind him, and the two adventurers turned to see the largest hydra either of them had even seen.

"Run!" Akyan yelled, pushing himself up off of the ground. The hydra, who was not particularly stupid, was confused why the people were yelling and screaming. Generally, they were frozen in fear and were easy targets. These two were not easy targets. Soon, though, the hydra was able to figure out what had conspired, and was soon on the chase.

Running through the West Moon Steppes, they quickly found themselves between a large chunk of rock, and behind them was the hydra. It felt proud that it had trapped the two humanoids... for a few minutes.

A yuan-ti ran down, and threw his spear into the hydra's foot, then stabbing his dagger into another's foot. He threw some purple-coloured dust at the hydra, and it began to disappear. After a minute, the hydra was no more.

"Hello, adventurers. My name is Ohsus, and yours?" The man said, turning to see the two adventurers.

"I'm Akyan, and this is Sheerow. And you just... evaporated the hydra?" Akyan asked.

"Well, I couldn't have done that if it wasn't for you cornering it. I'd think it a group effort," Ohsus said, retrieving his dagger and spear. "We can share the reward three ways."

"I can't possibly-" Sheerow quickly stopped him.

"Say no to your offer! We would be glad to accept a third of the money."

"It would be two-thirds, because a third for both of you. It would be foolish to give the a share in the reward money."

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