Police station

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Lizzie POV

„As you can see officers my client was a victim that has been physically violated. After she has been hit on the face she fell in and out of consciousness. She didn't kill anyone."

„Misses Olsen can you confirm what your lawyer has been saying?"

„Misses Olsen?!!?" the muffed voices became clearer and louder and I snapped back out of zoning out. I was completely lost and elsewhere while I was sitting in the cold interrogation room.

„I can confirm. I didn't kill him nor did I try to."
I replied with a lower voice making the officers nod.

„what about the woman that was with you? Did she kill him?" they asked me and my throat tightness uncomfortably. I glanced to my lawyer and she knew by the look on my face that I didn't want to answer this question.

„Officers do I have to remind you that you are interrogating her and not the woman that was with her?" she pulled the attention towards her.

„We are sorry but this is a case where someone died and maybe the woman will die too so we need to know what happened and we need to know everything? Also why did she have a fake identity? Do you know anything about that? Because she isn't registered in our system for long. Only around six years." the police officer explained and I gulped not knowing what to reply to. I didn't tell my lawyer that she had a fake identity. I forgot about it.

„we did not know anything about it." my lawyer spoke for the both of us which was a lie. Fuck this situation is turning into a bad direction.

„Okay. We need your private informations on where you live as well as your working place and mobile phone number so we can stay in contact if we need you down here for other interrogation reasons." one officer pulled a pen and paper out to let me write something down and as I wanted to grab it my lawyer pulled my hand back handing them a piece of paper over. I direkt get why she did that.

„Here is everything you have asked for." she told them and they glared her down.

„am I allowed to leave?" I asked and they looked back at me.

„Yes misses Olsen. You are allowed to leave. Unfortunately you will be set under reinforcement until the case is solved." one of them told me and I nod accepting it in silence. At least they don't put me into prison for something I haven't done.

„Thank you officers. If there aren't any other questions we would leave for now." my lawyer told them and got up putting her hand behind my back to sing me to get up to which I did.

They opened the door for us and we left in silence not saying anything until we left the police station.

„A tip I should have given you before we walked in was not to touch anything. Especially not if they offer you a drink or ask you to write something down."

„Why's that?" I asked as we got closer to the cars where Scarlett was standing waiting for us.

„They want your fingerprints. They do this all the time but they aren't allowed to use them as evidence but they still do. From what you told me I know that there will be fingerprints on the knife. Yours. This would be evidence enough to lock you up for murder involvement." She elaborated and damming gotta admit this woman is doing her job good and ducking detailed. Cobie really did have a good lawyer.

„You knew that she had a fake identity right? Why didn't you tell me?" she asked as we stopped in front of her car.

„I don't know I-."

„You wanted to protect her. I get it. But she is already in deep trouble. First she needs to fight for her life right now and let's not forget that she killed someone on top. Even if it was self defense it won't slide off that easy and on top of that she faked her death? I know that as soon as she's gonna wake up if she does.. she would probably wish to not wake up. I'm serious she won't have it easy. But what she needs is you by her side because I have a feeling that you guys have a thing for one another from what Cobie told me. I know I might be a bit to honest but let this just be a bonus if I can say it like that." she rambled a bit quick but I got every word.

„Let me do my work and let me help you. But I can only do this when you will be completely honest with me even if it is an ugly truth. I can't and won't be prepared when it comes to the court questions and when they pull our informations that I don't know about. I can't help you if you are not fully honest." she added and I know by the tone of voice that she means it with her whole heart which I appreciate a lot.

„I need to go and see her first. But we will talk about it. I will let you know everything you need to know."

„I know I'm not the one who will stand in your way to go see her. She needs you right now. You will hear from me soon." she stroked my arm lightly and got into the car as I felt how scar walked up on me from behind.

„Thank you Ruby." scar thanked her for me and she smiled.

„you're welcome. Oh and greet Cobie from me please." she replied and scar nod while waving her off.

„Come on. Let's go to the hospital so we can get you checked out and see if we can find out anything about Nora." she stroked my back lightly and we moved into the car.

„I'm fine scar. I don't need to get checked out."
I told her and she glared at me like a furious mother.

„I don't care if you say so. You where falling in and out of consciousness from that punch you got. Your eye is purple and blue and I don't feel well if you won't let a doctor see it. Sooo... there is no way around it. I don't want you fainting again from god knows what goes on in your head. Some Scans would ease my mind just to make sure you are really fine." she scolded me and I staid silent as I buckled up.


A/n: and here I am again but now with the third and probably last book of this series :))

Stay tuned
Until next time
Pace and love ✌🏽❤️


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