Fairy tales story

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Narrator POV

Lizzie fell asleep yet again while being cuddled up next to chestnut. Both slept on Nora's bed side hoping it would give them comfort but it won't last long. Lizzie knew in the back of her mind that filling Nora's bed side will still make her feel empty.

She is clueless on what to do next and she never felt so lost. She did feel lost when Nora faked her death but this kind of feeling isn't comparable.
Nora is fighting a fight and Lizzie is standing on the line not being able to help her or to give her any support. Lizzie is just watching and waiting.

It is tortures.

Not knowing if Nora will ever wake up.
But most importantly not knowing that if she will remember everything.

She made up her mind that if things will turn out badly she will treat the kids as if they where her own and nothing or no one will stop her from doing so. Cause she made that promise towards Nora and she will fulfill that promise till the day she will dies.

It didn't last long until Lizzie woke up yet again with chestnut whining next to her. She needs to go for a walk. So she got up even though she didn't want to and walked down to check on the kids first. As she glanced into their rooms she saw that they where still asleep even though it was eleven a.m.

So she went down with chestnut and opened the front door to let her run outside. Lizzie walked into the kitchen and as she was making her coffee she was able to look out the window to keep an eye on chestnut who was running through the field up and down.

Without paying any attention to the mug she took she started to fill it with coffee until she went to grab the milk and on the second glance she noticed that it was a special mug.

„To the best mom ever! We love you" was painted on it with two little signatures from Chase and Quinn. On the back side was a little painting with three people and a dog on it. Over their heads was written „our little family" In different colors.

Lizzie placed the mug down starting to feel bad.
This is Nora's mug. I am not supposed to drink out of it. It's her special mug. That was what Lizzie thought and she took another empty mug pouring the coffee in it. She washed the special mug and put it back into the shelf after drying it.

She took her coffee and walked out onto the porch watching chestnut carefully. She looked around and saw the hanging swing in mid dark wood covered in pillows. It looked comforting so she gave it a try and sat down on it pulling her legs up so she would sit in a crisscross position.

She started to swing a bit back and forth until it was swinging enough. She leaned back and watched her surrounding carefully. Her and Nora's car on the left side of the field. Some stairs in the middle of the porch and the ground was still covered in leafs. It was past thanksgivings so this means that the year will come to an end soon. Nora's favorite time of the year is almost over and winter will be standing in front of the door. Nora had two plants hanging down from the wall on each side of the stairs.

This brought up an idea in her mind. Her porch looked a bit blank. It could use some colors and that was something that was missing.
Lizzie created a plan in her mind as she was sitting comfortably on the hanging swing.
A picture got puzzled up in her mind and she had a vision that she would have some flowers here.

Some around the porch would be beautiful and it wouldn't look so blank anymore... but then again something came to her mind. Maybe Nora wanted to have it this way! Maybe she didn't want any flowers around her house or maybe she is allergic?
Lizzie isn't the owner of the house so she can't decide what to creat and build here. Even if she only has good intentions. It is Nora's house still.

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