A step forward?

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Lizzie POV


„Elizabeth?" he stood there with his wide shoulders in a light blue pullover with a shirt underneath it. His hair was slicked back and he wore his round glasses today.
Turns out that Nora knew immediately who it was and that only by the way he knocks.

„I am here to see my daughter."
He told me sternly without a soft expression but I was still standing in his way not making him come through yet.

„Do you think it's a great idea to come see her now? Under those circumstances?" I asked and he narrowed his eyes on me.

„I am sorry Elizabeth but you are not someone who can tell me what to do. She is my daughter.
I found out that she is alive and I need to see her."

„Oh come on George we both know that you try to be the saint in this story but guess what you aren't. Now you want to make things right?
After decades? For what? Are you trying to wash yourself clean?" I asked as I gripped the door handle in anger.

„Excuse me?" he looked a bit shocked probably because I didn't hold back in any kind of way.

„I am still your boss after all and I don't think we have skipped this level of communication that you can talk to me like this. This could bring along  consequences for you." he warned me but I don't give a damn about what he thinks.

„So be it. I won't apologize for what I've just said.
Those were just facts and you know it. Besides you need me at work more than I need you. I can find another job within days." I fired back and he opened his mouth trying to say something but I didn't give him a chance cause I cut him off.

„Oh and now that you know that I've had a relationship with your daughter you should probably know that I took these three months off so I can take care of her kids while she was in that coma because of her ex Victor which you probably didn't know. He tried to kill her.. and I was there.
I saw and felt how she was bleeding out with every single blink of an eye passing by. How she got cold and limp. And you.. you weren't there. So if she gives you a chance which I doubt you should be crying on your knees and beg for her forgiveness. Because you don't deserve it in my eyes."
I spat out in disgust towards him and he practically speechless from what he just had to hear.
Deep down he knows that I am right and he knows that he doesn't deserve a glimpse of forgiveness.

Nora POV

„let him in dear." I let it out in a whisper and I heard her turn her head towards me while still standing firmly at the door like a personal bodyguard.

As she was describing her situation during the attempted murder by my ex I saw an image flash into my mind. Her hair had small leafs in them and a bit dirt as they were hanging down towards me.
I was looking up and she had tears streaming down her face. A blue eye from a hard punch and a bruised cheekbone. Her nose was running and she didn't stop crying. Crying over me. Because of me.
Because I was in pain and so much agony.

Nothing prepared me for seeing and feeling this situation but here I am now sitting in this hospital bed with a woman by my side who cares so much for me. More than I probably know and I feel like I did the same back then. Usually I would freak out now because I remember a little bit but to my surprise I am as calm as the sea. No wave is bringing me out of balance even though it should.

„Are you sure? I can send him away if you want to. You just gotta say yes." she asked as she glanced to the side but I nod giving her a soft smile letting her know that I'll be okay. As long as she is beside me.
I think I will be okay from now.

„I am." I mouthed her and she stepped aside letting my father walk in with peonies and white roses in his hands.

Silence filled the room and the only thing I heard was his breathing becoming a bit more noticeable and the flowers that made noises as he probably squished them in his hands.
I've never seen him this way.
So vulnerable. With such a tender face that is filled with sorrow. Not a thousand words could describe the mixed vibe between us.

I feel rage, anger and sadness. Frustration and yet there is a tiny glimpse of happiness?
That he actually showed up. I would have never thought that he would be here.
I don't even know who told him that I am alive.
Was it Lizzie? Or Beth? Or Scarlett? It sure isn't Victor cause he's dead. Finally. It was about damn time.

„you've changed." he spoke up quietly and so gentle that he was probably scared to say anything.

„Well it's been six years father. Change is the least problem I have to deal with now." I told him sarcastically and he let out a heavy breath of relieve that I spoke up and replied to him.

„How have you been?" he asked.

„Way better cause I wasn't around the family.
Y'know being the black sheep isn't really nice after all."

„Was this why you looked for a way out?"

„Partly yes. But I don't think you are ready to hear this yet. Besides I don't really have the head right now for such a conversation."

„Yeah.. right. Sorry." he apologized and I raised my brows in surprise while glancing to Lizzie for a short moment. She looked just as surprised as I did.

„How's your wife?" I asked out of politeness which I know I don't need to show but yet I still did.

„y'know how she is. A bit uptight but I still love her.
She misses you and your siblings do too."

„I highly doubt that." I mumbled and he raised a brow.

„They really do. We all do. Especially me."

„How come?" I asked.

„This „suicide" made me realize how much I have messed up as a father. First your mom and then you. This made me question a lot of my decisions.
Especially on how I treated you. Margot probably looks down on me with hatred in her eyes and I understand why. I didn't treat you how she told me to do." he explained sincerely and I am astound on how he opens up so effortlessly.

„How are your kids? I've seen them in the hallway for a split moment. They remind me of you and your mom." he asked and gripped my sheets a bit tighter as he told me that they ran into each other.

„Well. Their twins and I love them endlessly."

„I would love to meet them properly one day."
He told me and I glanced at Lizzie who looked at me in Skepsis.

„Looks. I am on a lot of meds right now and my head is still hurting. I can't give you a yes and neither a no for now. I think it's enough that we've meet again for today. Let's be honest after all you did nothing good for me in the past and I got trust issues on believing you now. I don't want to introduce you to them when I am not pure with my heart when it comes to our relationship and our past. I am still trying to heal. Accept it and move at my pace and you might meet them properly one day." I told him honestly and he opened his mouth trying to say something but Lizzie interrupted him yet again.

„it's the least you could do George. If you really want to make it right than do it as she says or leave it." she told him as she grabbed my hand to squeeze it a bit to let me know that she is with me.


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