Unexpected visitors

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Nora POV

I didn't care about the pain I felt that was pulsating in my knees and hands as I was sitting on the ground. I kept my head low and pressed my eyes tight together trying to pull back the tears of frustration and anger.

„come on let's get you back up." I heard Olivia speak up while she kneeled down but I didn't react towards her.

„I'll do it on my own." I felt Lizzie's hand on my bare back by now and I took in a sharp breath knowing that she's there even though I don't give her any attention now.

„We are here to help dear. It's okay." she whispered as she stroked up my back but I shook my head feeling how stubborn I am because I never ask for help. Never.

„I'll handle it. Just let me-." I leaned to the side so I can grab a hold onto the bed because I know I can't get up with the crutches. My knees were hurting more than my hands and I am certain that they will be purple and blue by the end of the day.
But I don't care about that. I need to get back up.
How else am I supposed to take care of my kids when I am back home?

Lizzie POV

I gave the nurse a look trying to tell her without words that she should let her do it on her own even though we both want to help.

I let my hand rest on her back even though she wanted to get up on her own but she didn't say anything about it. She didn't mention it probably because she still wanted some stability from someone. Probably even from me but I wouldn't bet on it.

Her knuckles turned white because her grip around the bed frame was so tight. She's really trying her all to get up on her own but as she takes longer than I thought I let my hand slide to her waist so she's be more stable. She turned her head to the side but she still looked down not wanting to creat eye contact for some reason.

„Thank you." was what rolled of her lips in a whisper and I stroked my thumb on her waist to sign her that it's okay and that I am here to stay.

She turned around and sat down on the bed. She took her glasses off and rubbed her eyes while letting out a sigh of frustration.

„I can reschedule the physical therapy appointment if you don't feel like doing it today." the nurse spoke up but Nora shook her head as she Pirnaer glasses back on.

„No. I'll do it. I need to do something or else I'll never go home." she choked out and the nurse nod.

„Forget the crutches for now. I don't wanna bleed from my knees by the end of the day." she added while the nurse placed the crutches together.

„You'll master it by the end of the week. Your a tough one I know that. Besides you have all the support from your gir- Lizzie. Yeah Lizzie."

I glanced towards Nora while she kept her eyes on the nurse. „Let's go the doctor must be waiting ages for me by now." Nora tried to cheer up as per usually but I know that this is just a facade she try's to keep up. Just so that I wouldn't worry about her but I know her well enough by now.
She isn't fine. She just doesn't want to admit it.

„Okay. Come on up then." the nurse for the wheelchair and Nora was able to let herself fall into it by her self.

„Hey.. could you maybe get some clothes from home? I really don't feel comfortable in these hospital dresses type thing." Nora asked me and her eyes finally landed on mine. Oh how I could look at her forever but she doesn't know that.

„Of course. Do you want anything specific?"
I asked as i went to the table to grab my bag and jacket.

„No. i just want something comfortable. Maybe a book as well. I don't have comply all the time."
She added and I nod.

„Of course. Anything for you." I told her as I stroked her cheek and tugged some hair behind her ear.

„Thank you Liz."

„oh don't thank me for that dear. When can I be back?" I asked as I glanced to the nurse shortly.

„In two to three hours. It's a longer session today."
She informed me and I nod.

„I'll be back before you know it." I smiled down on her and she up on me.

„see ya." she added as i walked past them to exit her room.

I closed the door and stood there in the hallway for a moment not knowing what to feel exactly because there is a lot going on. It took me over a minute to start waking down the hallway and as I walked closer to the reception I see some familiar faces.

Nora's siblings and her stepmother Jessica.
I didn't expect to see them at all and now they stand here right in front of the reception probably wanting to know where Nora's room is.

„Jessica?" I approached them and everyone looked my way even through I only called for Jessica.
She knows who I am but I don't know if her children remember me.

„Elizabeth.." she replied a bit stern. She doesn't seem surprised. Matter of fact to me she looks more like she already knew that I would be here.
Looks like George is pretty talkative.

„What are you all doing here?" I asked them and I see flowers in the hands of Nora's sister and a get well soon basket in the hands of one of her bothers.

„We wanted to see our Sister. After everything."
Her sister spoke up and I nod giving them an unsure smile.

„She's in physical therapy now. They told me it would take round about two to three hours."
I told them as I pointed behind me.

„Okay. Then we will be back by that time." Jessica added and I honestly don't know how to feel about it but we all walked out together to the parking lot.


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