A haunting dream...

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Lizzie POV

„You Look tired." I turned to the side seeing Nora standing there in the kitchen. I looked around trying to find out if this is real or not.

„I am.." I replied confused and she smiled faintly.

„I'm sorry that things had to go this way. But I couldn't endure even the thought of letting you get hurt. I lost my mind when I saw you laying there." She told me.

„And I am loosing mine now..." I mumbled referring to the fact that I talk to Nora and that she is in a coma.

„I'm sorry.." she apologized and I tilted my head confused on why she apologized.

„What are you apologizing for?" I asked as I stepped closer to her but yet I feel like I'm not walking forward. As if I can't reach her to touch her.

„That you have to deal with my little ones now.
But I know that they will be in good hands."

„Until you'll be back.." I added and she staid silent.

„Right?" I digged further because she didn't answer.

„I don't know Love." She replied quietly.

„I- I can't do this without you Nora. I lost you once and I can't do it one more time without falling apart. It was already hard enough to pull myself together after that one time."

„I know and I'm so so sorry. I can never forgive myself for doing this to you. I wish things would have ended differently. I wish I would have told you but I-I simply couldn't. Someone would have hurt you."

„Who? No one can hurt me." I asked as I was taking more steps further but I don't know if she is backing off or if I am not coming further.

„Liz. I feel like you already know who it is. You just don't want to realized it. You have to accept it."
She told me and I looked at her confused.

„What am I supposed to do?" I asked as I felt how sadness creeped up in my voice.

„Let go. Don't hold onto false hopes. You are standing in front of a tainted window. You can't see what's behind it but deep down you known what to expect there."

„Don't make my sacrifices go to waste love.
Stick up for yourself and do what ever feels right."

„I won't." I told her in tears as the word Love echoes in the back of my mind. The way it rolled off her lips so gently.

„I can't be with my kids. Just because of you."
She told me angry and I can't really process why she says this. I blinked and rubbed my eyes but after that Nora changed completely.

She didn't have a loving look anymore. Her eyes where filled with tears and anger. Her clothes where stained in blood and I could es how blood was spreading on her clothes. She's bleeding out in front of me and I can't do anything about it.

„It's your fault that I am laying in that hospital bed!! It's your fault that I had to fake my death and that I had to leave my life behind. You. It was all YOU!!!"
She fired back and no matter how many steps I take I can't reach her to touch her.

„If you would have held me back on your wedding night it would have ended differently. Didn't you see how I have changed in that time? You didn't because you where occupied on getting married.
That bastard ruined my life. Just as much As you did."

„Nora- I."

„No I don't want to hear anything. This is the truth.
You ruined everything." Her words echoed in my mind.

„I hate you!! And that from the day you've let me go. A hate that lurks deep in my heart and soul."
She yelled as tears rolled down her face and I could see from the corner of her mouth how blood started to pour out.

I wanted to run towards her but as I looked down I was stuck in quick sand. I looked up again but Nora was gone. Blood spots where the only thing left on the ground she was standing on.

„Nora?? Please NORA!!" I screamed out and sat up in her bed covered in sweat and tears. I looked around hectic realizing slowly that I am back in reality.

„Liz. T-This was just a Dream." I told myself trying to help myself but it was pointless. Tears rolled down my face and I laid back down on Nora's bed side trying to give myself any comfort after this.. nightmare?

It's the first night and I am already getting haunted by dreams that turn into nightmares. I don't want to endure this for long...

I couldn't fall back asleep as I was tossing and turning in her bed. I looked at my phone seeing some missed calls and messages from Robbie. Which I ignored. It's six am and I should get myself going.

I got up and pulled over an old sweater from Nora.
It's her college team sweater with her number and name on the back. This makes me think of the time where she was still in my classes. How she used to sit there with a crossed leg and the pen in her hand which she played with, probably to keep her anxiety in track.

„Heyy chestnut." I saw how she walked in and sat down in front of Nora's bed side. She had a sad expression on her face as she wiggled with her tail and barked.

„I know sweetie. I miss her too." I told her as I kneeled down to pet her. She jumped into the bed and laid down.

„Hey come on I'll give you something to eat alright?" I offered her and she whined as she laid her head down onto the pillow.

„Okay. Just five minutes." I told her and climbed up behind her to join her. She pushed her head into my chest signing me to pet her more and that's what I did for a while.


No one else but you (Book 3. of „Only you")जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें