Holding hands

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Nora POV

The door swung open while I was in middle of explaining my lawyer what is going on so far.
We both looked to the side and see Lizzie walking in with scar right next to her. Scars eyes are red and I think she was crying but I don't know why.

Lizzie observed the room as she took a couple steps forward. She looked at ruby first giving her a nod as a greeting so I believe that they probably know each other already. Scar closed the door and walked up as well. I looked at Lizzie but she kept here eyes a bit lower as she probably noticed my hand cuffed to the bed.

„Is this what you wanted me to be prepared for?" she asked not even caring to look at scar.

„Yeah." scar mumbled quietly.

„What is this for?" she asked me now as she pointed down at my hand while looking at me.

„A police officer cuffed me to the bed. He wanted me to come down to the station because there are two cases waiting for me to be closed but I told him I can't because I am still recovering. So he cuffed me to the bed and the reason why he is doing that is because he doesn't want me to run away. Because y'know I faked my death.. and killed someone." I filled her in and she let out a sigh while rubbing her forehead in a stressed way.

„I will drive down the station and I will take care of the situation. I talked to Nora so far and I have a clearer picture on most of the things that are important for now. I hope you have a good recovering time Nora. We will see each other as soon as you feel better. This is my business card if you need to call me." Ruby handed me her business card and I thanked her for helping me out so fast.

„I will walk you out Ruby." scar spoke up as Ruby began to pack her bag.

„Where is Cobie by the way?"

„yeah about that.." they started to walk out together to give me and Lizzie some privacy.

„How was your day?" I asked as she walked around. She got rid of her jacket which is actually mine but it suits her better anyway. She let her bag down on the table that stood at the window and she walked up pulling the chair as close to my bed as possible. She grabbed my free hand and stroked it lightly and I squeezed it to gain her attention.

„I asked you something." I reminded her and she staid silent for a moment as she looked at me closely as if she was making sure that I am real and here.

„I am worried about you. I am scared and terrified. I don't wanna lose you and now that it happened again I am really trying my best to keep myself together but I can't do this any longer. Watching you like this is killing me and I shouldn't even feel this way because you are the one that is suffering the most but I am still... I feel like I am suffocating with you and I would do anything. Literally anything for you to get you out of this fucked Up situation."
She poured her heart out and at first I had no idea that she feels this way. That she feel so deeply and that she is in pain as well.

„I am sorry that I make you feel this way." I spoke up quietly while letting go of her hand. She looked down at her empty hands with a frowned face and then up to me again. Her eyes went back down and she grabbed my hand a bit tighter so that I couldn't let go that easy.

„It's not your fault. You have absolutely no reason to apologize. I just feel helpless. As if my hands are tied together and I can't escape to help you.
I don't know what I can do to be helpful."
She told me trying to reassure me that I am not the reason for her suffering.

„You've done more than enough. More than I could ever ask for. You took care of Quinn and Chase and Chestnut and this is the biggest help that you could do. You took care of my little family and to me it looked like they already accepted you as a part of our family already. To see and to know that they were in good hands was the best news I could get when I woke up. I was confused on why I chose you to take care of them because I can't remember you fully. But I can feel it now deep down that I made the right choice." I thanked her and she started to cry while letting her head fall down on my hand.

„I felt so miserable during the time you weren't around. You were so far away and yet when I looked at Chase and Quinn and when they started to tell me story's about you and then together I started to feel closer than ever. They spoke in such high notes of you." she cried out and I wanted to stroke her head but then I would have had to let go of her hands which I didn't want.

„I am here now Lizzie and I am not going anywhere. I promise." I told her and she sniffed her nose. My hand was wet by now but I didn't care about that at all.

„But I still feel like you're not here with me.
I know that you can't remember me and even if you comfort me now I can still feel that you are distant. I feel like a part of you died. That part was me. Your mind erased me even if it wasn't on purpose and I hate how it is now." she replied while she was still crying onto my hand.

„Weren't you the one who said that you didn't care if I remembered you or not? You said you'd build new memories with me. I am here for that. Even if I won't remember you. I will be here to build everything up again. My mind probably just needs time." I tried my all to make her feel better and her crying became softer and slower. I have a feeling that she cried it out and maybe I did make her feel better or not.

„I don't know if I said it before but... your husband really is a pain in the ass." I told her trying to cheer her up but that made her cry even more.

„Oh god. No don't cry I wasn't.. I didn't mean to make it worse. Heyyy please. Y'all ain't getting rid of me that easy. Looks like I've been a cat in my past life cause I got some spare life's left."
I heard her chuckle through her crying and now she raised her head finally so I can look at her red face which was filled with tears and a running nose.

„I am sorry Liz. This was just me trying to cheer the situation up but my humor is really close connected with my coping mechanisms..."
I told her as I whipped a tear out of her face that rolled down.

„I know. This is one of the reason why I fell for you. You made me laugh in the worst situations. Even if the jokes weren't funny sometimes. Your effort is what counted and seeing that you put effort into it means that the old Nora is somewhere in there still. She just needs to wake the fuck up."
She answered while she sniffed her nose and this made her nose scrunch together and my heart stings as I see this I started to feel something I can't remember feeling.


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