Arguing and love

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Lizzie POV

„I don't want to stay somewhere else! I wanna go home! Why can't we go home?" Chase whines as we were driving to Cobies house.

„consider it as a sleepover." I answered as I glanced Into the mirror to see her reaction but she wasn't cool with it at all.

„So it's only for one night? Cause a sleepover is always just one night!" she asked and I shook my head.

„No sweetie. We will stay for a bit longer."

„How long?"

„I don't know. I am sorry." i apologized and she ignored me looking out the window.

„Who hit you?" Quinn asked after Chase stopped arguing and I pulled my attention to him.

„No one. A mug fell onto my face from the shelf when I wanted to do coffee this morning."
What a lie was that Lizzie?

„I know that this is a lie. I've seen a blue eye before." he answered and I had no idea if I should tell them who it was or not.

„Are you in danger?" he asked and I am glad that the kids can't see the tears that beam in my eyes.

„Maybe. I don't know."

„Is this why we are sleeping somewhere else?"
He asked and I staid silent. He really is a smart little one like Nora said.

„I want mom back!! He spoke up and I huffed.

„me too kids. Me too." I replied and I parked in front of Cobies garage.

„Chestnut is already in there why don't you go and say halo to him and to aunty scar and Cobie?"
I replied as they walked out.

„Aren't you coming inside too?" he asked and I nod still holding back the tears that beamed in my eyes.

„I'll be right behind you. Just give me a second pal."
And they walked off hand in hand. Quinn is a good brother he takes good care of Chase so well and I can see that especially now.

The car got filled with pressuring silence and I couldn't help myself but to cry. I don't want to cry in front of the kids and neither in front of my friends because I know that they will tackle me with questions I don't want to answer.

„Nora I need you here. Please for the love of god I can't take this any longer." I cried out as I looked up to the sky through the panoramic window.

„If it wasn't for your kids I wouldn't even be able to get up. I don't know how you did all of this. How you handled this „double life" the lies you had to keep from them. I feel like I am choking on them." my crying didn't stop and It didn't last long until I started to hear barking and that means that chestnut is probably running to my car.

I wiped my tears away quick and took my bag from the passenger seat to get out of the car.
Chestnut came running towards me and she put a smile on my face immediately. Not even a fake smile. She was really pulling out an honest smile from the bottom of my heart. Just like Nora used to do.

„Heyy beauty. I missed you too come here."
I knelled down and she jumped into my arms wanting to be stroked.

„Come on let's go inside hm." I got up after some minutes and she ran in quick.

„And if you guys want we can have a Disney marathon? Are you guys up for that?" I heard Cobie announce as I walked in closing the door.

The kids cheered and my heart is a bit at ease now that they don't find it that horrible anymore.

„Hey Cobie. Hey scar." I greeted them with a quick hug while they were all at the kitchen island.

„Liz did you hear that? We are doing a Disney marathon tonight!!" Quinn yelled out and I smiled down on him ruffling his hair.

„I did. It sounds like fun. What about dinner?" I looked at Cobie and scar and they smiled wide.

„Cobie cooked for us tonight. You eine have to worry about anything." scar informed me and I smiled at them in a thankful way.

„Why don't you guys go up and get dressed in your Pyjamas? I'll get the table ready and after we ate we can decide what to watch." Cobie told them and the kids ran up with their bags leaving us alone.

„Thank you guys so much. I wouldn't know what to do when I wouldn't have you." I thanked them and they gave me a hug but I pulled away after seconds knowing that if I would stay in that hug I'd start to cry endlessly.

„Want some wine?" Cobie asked as scar got the glasses and I sat down at the kitchen island.

„absolutely! I need one. Maybe even more than one to be honest." I rambled and Cobie glanced at me worried while she was pouring me a glass of white wine.

„how are you feeling?" she asked me in a more serious tone.

„Sad, anxious, terrified... unsure of what will happen next. You name it." I answered honestly and she slid the glass over to me.

„Do you want us to take over the kids for a couple of days? Maybe this could help you to get to the ground again?" scar asked me and I shook my head after swallowing a big chuck of wine.

„No. I don't want you guys to take over my responsibility. I can.. handle it."

„Well handling looks different to me.." scar mumbled.

„Babe shut it. Be nice. Lizzie you do a great job with them. I am sure Nora would be proud."
Cobie told me as she hit scars head from behind.
They are perfect for one another.

„thank you Cobie but scar is right. I feel like I could handle kids easily but this so tougher than I thought. I miss her so much."

„We know... and we see it too. It shows that you miss her. It looks like you didn't have a decent time of sleep." scar added and I nod.

„Yeah... she is appearing in my dreams. Which is good at first but then it turns into nightmares and I wake up and then I don't want to fall back to sleep." I replied as I played with the wine in my glass.

„I have something that could help you sleep. It's a natural tea and my mom used to make me one when I couldn't sleep because of my anxiety and overthinking."

„You have anxiety?" I asked Cobie and she chuckled.

„Liz who doesn't these days? I've had it since my teenage years. It's less now but I do have days where I depend fully on scar and her support and I am glad that I have someone who understands me." she replied as she placed her hand on scars.

„Scar? You have anxiety? Why haven't you told me that?" I asked a bit hurt and she shrugged her shoulders.

„It started in college actually. I always kept it for myself and dealt with it on my own."

„I couldn't tell.. I feel like shit now I am so sorry."

„No it's fine. You had to deal with way worse anxiety. So I had to be there for you."

„That doesn't mean that your anxiety is less worth the worry than mine! Just because I might have heavier attacks doesn't mean that yours don't matter. You could have told me and I am so sorry if you thought that you couldn't tell me."

„I know I could have told you. But I wanted to keep you from more harm and worry's. I am fine now. They don't come around that often anymore."

„I love you scar and you Cobie. I might not say it so often but I love you guys I can't imagine to have better friends." I grabbed their hands and they stroked my palm.

„We love you too." they replied with a smile and we raised our glasses to drink more.


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