The dean (pt.2)

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Narrator POV

Lizzie watched how her boss was in tears and it honestly surprised her. He didn't even cry on Nora's funeral and now she sees him so vulnerable which was something she didn't expect.

„I know this isn't an excuse for what I did to Nora.
But she looks so much like her mother. She grew up with siblings that hated her because everyone thought that she took their mother away. I lost my wife and best friend and they lost their mother.
Nora grew up as our „Black sheep" but not because of herself. We made her this way and I am so ashamed for letting something like this happen and for letting my darkest self take over ever time when I am around her."

„You are right. She doesn't I mean.. didn't deserve this. George I don't know how to help you in any way. I can't give you any advice but I see that you really are sorry for what you did." technically Lizzie can help him by maybe saying that his daughter is first off all alive, second off has two twins and third off lays in the hospital fighting for her life.
But she doesn't know if she should tell him this. Does he deserve to know? Does he deserve another chance? Or did he waste his chances already?

But yet the dean is the grandpa of Chase and Quinn and Lizzie thinks that they should get to know each other. But Lizzie holds back in fear of giving the kids away by introducing them to their grandpa. She knows that Nora wouldn't be okay with it. It's her decision and she hasn't been in contact with her father ever since she faked her death.

So maybe she doesn't want to introduce her kids to her father. But still. Those kids have no one except for their mom.

„Maybe you can write the things in a letter and keep it for yourself. Write down the things you wish you would have said or the things you would have wanted to change. No matter what it is maybe it will help you to feel better."

„Thank you Elizabeth. This is really thoughtful of you and I am sorry for my behavior. I shouldn't be crying in front of you."

„It's fine. Don't worry about it. Crying makes us feel better after.. well most of the time."

„Can I ask you something?" he asked after he whipped his tears off.

„Sure." she answered with a nod.

„Do you think she would have given me another chance if she would be alive?"

„I don't know." Lizzie answered at first and after that silence filled the room.

„I honestly wouldn't give you one if I'd be in Nora's situation. Because all she needed was a loving and supportive family. Especially you as her father. You have a responsibility that you'll never lose as soon as you have a child. That one big responsibility is to love them unconditionally and with no doubts. Because this is how a child should grow up.
In a loving environment." she added and he nod as he leaned back into the chair.

„There is something else as well that I've been wanting to ask for a while."

„Why did you come to my daughters funeral?"

„I don't understand what you mean with the question?" Lizzie asked confused on why he came up with this question.

„Not a single professor that was teaching Nora came to her funeral except for Scarlett but she wasn't her professor she was her coach. But you. You where the only one and you cried and I've noticed certain changes in you during work and during any conversations. Why was she so important to you? What did she mean to you?"
Lizzie froze as she heard his questions at the end and she feels like she is sitting in an interrogation room now.

„I gotta admit I have I mean I had a closer connection with Nora than with any other student. She was just a really thoughtful person and she trusted me in some ways that I didn't expect.
She shared some private informations in a trustful way and I just wanted to pay my respect after what had happened."

„Did you know she was suicidal?" he questioned and Lizzie's face frowns.

„No I didn't. I wish I would have seen any signs."
She replied instantly.

„Sorry I feel like thus question came off a bit harsh. I didn't mean to put you in any uncomfortable situation and I am sorry if I did. It's just. I want answers and I can't help myself but to think that you might have some."

„I don't have the answers to your questions. The one who has it is Nora..and she is gone."
Lizzie told him bluntly but yet with a nice tone.
She can't even imagine how it will be if he ever finds out that Nora was alive all the time and how he will react when he finds out that Lizzie knew it.

„I am sorry dean? There is someone waiting for you on line nine." the secretary peaked her head through as she interrupted their conversation.

„Thank you Linda." and with that Lizzie got up knowing that this is her cue to leave.

„George thank you for having me and thank you for giving me the time off. It means a lot."
Lizzie thanked him as she grabbed her bag.

„Of course Elizabeth and thank you for having an open ear. We will discuss the details of your work schedule over mail or call. I hope your family member will get better soon."

„I hope so too." she answered and smiled faintly before opening the door to leave.


Helllooo everyone I wish you all a happy new year and I hope this year will work in our favor cause the past year have been some rough shit !

Anyways I wanted to apologize for not posting so often in the last time. I kinda lost my track on writing and in other hobby's as well but I hope I'll get back to it.
I just don't want to push myself or give you guys less then you deserve.

Thank you for the support I got in the last year and i can't say it often enough that I am thankful for the fact that y'all read it and actually enjoy it.

And please if there are any spelling mistakes I apologize cause I don't read through sometimes depends on my time window and I tend to forget to remind y'all that English isn't my native language.


Lots of love a happy new

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


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