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Lizzie POV

„Miss Olsen? We would like to discuss things further with you." I heard the doctor speak up as she walked in after I had some time with Nora.
They gave her a slight sedative so she could rest for some time from the stress she had earlier.
I've never seen her in a situation like this before.

„Of course.. hey kids why don't you go and get yourself some snacks from the vending machine? Anything you want." I gave them money and they left.

„Do you want anything mama?" Chase asked as she peaked her head through the door one more time before she ran off. Just like her mom she always puts others needs first.

„No sweetie I am good. Go and follow your brother before you will get lost and stay together!"
I told her and she ran off.

„If you mind." she nod to the door to lead us into a separat hallways that has a bit more privacy.

„First off we are sorry that we didn't get to tell you earlier what was going on. We weren't fully aware of her condition."

„It's okay. It wouldn't have changed anything.
I already noticed it when I walked in with our kids. She looked at me as if I am a stranger."
I replied as I crossed my arms.

„Well. We think that she will get her memories back at some point. It will take some time. But something might trigger her and when it happens she will need someone beside her. Which should be you. Her wounds are healed so far we would like to keep her here for a week or two for physical therapy. So she can walk again and move light things."

„Is there anything else I can do to help?"
I asked and she nod.

„Absolutely. Patients like her can be a bit temperamental. A lot of uncontrollable ups and downs most of them will fall into a deep depression from all the trauma they had to go through and the trauma they will face again as soon as they start to remember.
She should go to therapy as well.
We prescribe her some medication for the scars.
The flesh might hurt a bit more some time. She is not allowed to pick up anything heavy for more than three months. Showering might be a bit hard for her at first so if you would help her or her mom that would be great. But don't make her feel like she can't do anything. That will get to her nerves." the doctor explained the upcoming time and challenges as I was listening eagerly so I won't miss any information.

„Thank you doc. She will be taken care of I can assure you that. I won't leave her side."

„That is what I was hoping to hear. Most of the relationships end as soon as their partner ends up in a coma or as soon as they hear how much effort it takes to get their old partner back. Not many couples manage to stick together. But I hope that despite the things that will happen I hope you guys will be able to pull through." she told me and I smiled back at her in a hopeful way.

Narrator POV

„oh come on!! I want my skittles!!" Chase whined as she kicked against the vending machine. Her skittles got stuck and Quinn stood beside her with his Dorito bag in his hand laughing at his sister.

„Hey!! Not funny! Wait until I tell mama about it!"
She wanted him and he kicked against the vending machine as well but the skittles didn't move.

„See? I helped and it didn't work." Quinn told her with a filled mouth.

A man came by and threw some coins into the vending machine to get himself something to drink. Right above the skittles a bottle of water fell down taking the skittles down as well.

„Here you go little one. The trick is to get something from above as well." he gave her the skittles and she looked up at him confused.

„Thank you." she whispered.

„What are you two doing here? Where are your parents?" he asked as she opened his bottle to take sip out of it.

„We are visiting our mom. She just woke up from a coma." chase told him as she chewed on her skittles.

„Chase!! Mama reminded us the last time to not talk to strangers. We don't know this man."
He pulled her back so she would stand slightly behind him.

„Well we could become friends so we wouldn't be strangers any longer. How about you guys tell me your names and I'll tell you mine."
He asked as he kneeled down.
Both staid silent for a moment as they hesitated to answer his questions but they did eventually.

„I am Chase and this is my brother Quinn. We are twins." Chase introduced herself and he stretched his hand out.

„I am George. Nice to meet you both."
They shook hands briefly.

„Who are you visiting?" Quinn asked him.

„My daughter. She woke up from a coma as well."

„that's great! How cool is that, that your daughter woke up as well. We missed our mom so much."

„I bet you did. Where is your dad? Is he around?"
He asked and the twins shook their heads.

„We don't have a dad anymore. He died. We have two moms now! Mom and mama cool right?"
Chase told him and his face frowns.

„Quinn? Chase? What are you doing here? Why aren't you in your moms room?" the all turned their heads to the side seeing scar standing there with flowers in her hands and Cobie had balloons while Beth carried a pizza.

„Dean? What are you doing here?"

„Aunty scar? You know this old man?" Chase asked and he stood up while stroking over his clothes.

„Come on kids. I got pizza and I bet your mom is hungry." George's face frowns yet again as he looked down at the kids again. He then looked at towards the three women standing in the hospital hallway. He put two and two together and realization hit him.

„They are my grandchildren?" he mumbled as he looked back to see how they walked off with Beth.

„Are they? From what I've heard you weren't a good parent and I don't think it will make you a better grandparent." scar told him and he looked back at her in shock that she talks back at him like this.

„Coach Johansson! What makes you think that you can talk to me like that? I am your boss."

„Still doesn't change the fact that you were a bad father. I am just being honest sir. Does your daughter even want to see you?"
She asked him and he swallowed the lump in his throat.

„Well I want to see her!! I thought she was dead!
Looks like Elizabeth and you knew about all of this." he told her as he crossed his arms.

„She is like family to us. Not like you'd understand
this..." she told him and he just stood there not knowing what to say.


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