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Narrator POV

„How are her conditions?" Lizzie asked instantly after she couldn't see the kids anymore.

„First of she would have lost a tremendous amount of blood if you wouldn't have helped her. So your first aid help was life saving." she told Lizzie as she sees her swollen eye and blood smeared shirt.

„She had multiple bullets in her body which we had to remove. Three bullets hit her chest which damaged the lungs an grazed the heart. Another one went into her abdomen and the last one was cutting right through her spleen." the doctor explained them the previous conditions of Nora noticing that everyone stays silent which means she should keep on talking.

„We had to remove the spleen which was the smallest problem if we can say it like that. The other bullets where removed without leaving a lot of damage except for one." she added as she watched the devastation across the women's faces.

„which one doc?" scar asked.

„You left one bullet in her body?" Lizzie questioned a bit more furious but mostly worried.

„Not completely. We removed a part of it. The bullet next to her heart was splitting."
She admitted and Lizzie's heart cracked and broke yet again. How is she ever gonna live with a bullet that is in her body and especially next to the heart?

„Why can't you remove it?? She won't survive if you let the bullet stay there right??"
Lizzie asked with panic in her voice.

„During our operation the bullet split into microscopic pieces. One piece is so small that if we would remove it, it could cause some more serious damage. She also has a strong concussion which is worrisome because there might be some damage that we don't even know about and we will only find out if she wakes up.."

„I-if? So she won't wake up?" Lizzie breathed out starting to feel how her body gets weaker with every second passing.

„She has to recover from all her wounds first which will take time. We don't know yet if she will wake up. We are so sorry to tell you this. But she is under constant examination and her vitals will be checked up the whole time. If we notice and change for the worse or better we will let you know. My team and I did everything in our power to help her the best way we can."

„What will happen with this bullet piece that is next to her heart when she wakes up? Will she be able to live with it or will she be restricted in any type of way?" scar asked noticing that Beth and Lizzie weren't really able to ask.

„At first yes. But with the right recovery practice and body movements she might be able to do everything."

„Can she still get it out of she wants to?" she added another question.

„she can yes. But an open heart operation is an extremely difficult and risky situation. This might even cause more damage than we wish for. But this will be something that needs to be decided later on." she explained and scar hummed as she had Lizzie in a side hug. Her head rested on her shoulder and Lizzie was almost numb to her surroundings.

„Can we go and see her?" Beth asked now joining the conversation.

„She is still in the intensive care unit so there won't be visitors allowed at first. We have minimized the visitor's to one person."

„what about her kids? They want to see her."
Beth added and the doctor had an even more worried expression. She probably didn't know that Nora had kids.

„Seeing their mother like this could be traumatizing. The way she is wired up and all the bandages are... not easy to process. Even for someone in your age it won't be easy to see a loved one in this condition. I would not recommend to let the kids see her until she's out of the intensive unite." she told them and Beth nod knowing that it won't be easy to tell the little ones that they can't see their mom yet.

„Come on liz. You should go and see her. We will look after Chase and Quinn until you'll be back."
Scar pulled lizzie out of her spiraling mind and she hummed at her offer.

„I'll show you the way misses." the doctor replied as she saw the ring on Lizzie's finger that was tainted in red dry blood. The doctor walked in front of Lizzie and she followed silently looking down at her hand onto the ring and something that she should have done sooner was taking it off.
And that was what she did now. She took the ring off and slid it into her jeans pocket trying to forget who it connects to but she can't get him out of her mind. She can't shake the feeling off that Robbie had something to do with this terrible mess.

„I am sorry to tell you this but you won't have much time. Usually nobody is allowed in this area.
If you need something I'll be outside in front of the door." the doctor stroked Lizzie's arm as she opened the door letting her walk in.

The beeping sounds of machines filled Lizzie's ears as she stepped in. The lights where a bit bright and cold just as the usual hospital lights are. Multiple trays with medical tools laid around with blood stained bandages. A nurse was cleaning up and removing everything. As she noticed her she saw how she squinted her eyes lightly which indicates that she smiled faintly due to the fact that she was wearing a mask Lizzie couldn't see her soft smile.

The nurse staid silent and walked off with the trays giving Lizzie the space and time she needs to process what she is about to see because she hasn't looked at Nora just yet. Only her legs which where covered under the light blue blanked with white little spots on it.


No one else but you (Book 3. of „Only you")Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant