The kids

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Narrator POV

„We are ready!" Beth whipped her tears away fast before she turned around seeing Chase and Quinn stand there fully clothed and even having a small backpack on their backs.

Both where having the biggest and most exiting expression on their faces making Beth's heart break for the millionth time. The dimples they had around the corner of their lips where the exact same ones that Nora had whenever she was smiling bright and now she doesn't know if she will ever see her best friend smile again.

„We made the bed brushed our teeth and put our clothes on. Chase even managed to close her shoes on her own." Quinn elaborated exited and proud.

„Aunty Beth? What is wrong have you been crying?" Chase asked and both of the kids placed their backpack down to walk up to her.

„Where is mom?" Chase asked while she looked around noticing that her mother isn't around.

„I need to tell you guys something okay." she spoke up quietly and they nod while looking up at her worried.

„Come on let's sit down." she moved with them to the living room to sit down on the couch.

„You guys remember the man that was at your school a couple days ago?" she asked and they nod.

„Yeah. Everything felt so weird." Quinn told her and she nod lightly.

„What does it have to do with where mom is?"
Chase asked already feeling the urge to know what is going on.

„Okay... ehm. This man was a really really bad guy and he wanted bad things for your mom."

„Like the villain in the cartons?" Quinn asked and she nod holding back the tears she doesn't want to show.

„Exactly. He is the villain and he is really bad and strong."

„Did he hurt mom?" Chase asked worried and Beth staid silent for a while not wanting to say yes but lying wouldn't fit into this terrible situation.

„Sadly yes.. he hurt her really really bad and your mom need to be helped by many many doctors."

„Will momma be okay?" Chase asked with tears in her eyes.

„I don't know my love. But she is strong and we all need to be strong for her so she can be back."
Beth told them as heart broke. She couldn't hold her tears back any longer and neither could the kids. They fell into Beths arms crying their pain out.

„She is our hero. You said she is strong then why didn't she defeat him?" Chase asked in between her sobs.

„She did defeat him. But she got hurt really bad by doing it. Sometimes the hero fails this is what everyone does sometimes."

„But it's mom." Quinn sobbed and Beth hugged them tighter.

„C-can we go see her?" Quinn asked after they calmed down a bit.

„Of course we can and will. We might have to wait because the doctors still try to help her but we will see her I promise." she told them filling their hearts with hope.

„What about Lizzie? And aunty Scarlett? Do they know?" Chase asked in a caring way.

„They do know yes. Lizzie was there too."

„Then why didn't she protect mom?" chase asked a bit angry and confused.

„Because your mom protected her. With all she got."

„Like a true Hero..." Quinn mumbled and Beth nod while whipping their tears.

„Exactly. Like a true hero." she replied and she got to see a limp smile in between all these tears.

„Let's go for a walk with chestnut first and get some breakfast for us and for Lizzie and scar because they are already there okay. After that we will go and check if we can see your mom."

The kids got up silently and Beth knew immediately that they won't be the same for a while. It is terrifying for the kids to not know if they will ever see their mom awake and healthy.
A lot of things are at stakes and all Beth wants is to make it as easy as possible for the little ones.

„Will we stay at your place aunty Beth?"
Quinn asked after a while as they all walked through the streets filled with leafs.

„I will keep you with me yes. But I don't know things might get complicated regarding to the judicial situation."

„What does that mean?" Chase asked as she held onto Beth's hand.

„some kids get into a foster care system when their parents can't take care of them and if your mom didn't sign a paternalism then it might be the case that you will be in another family for a while. At least until your mom wakes up."

„You mean if she wakes up?" Quinn asked lowly hurting Beth with these words. She didn't know that he was this pessimistic. Not like Chase.

„Don't say that. She will wake up. It just takes time buddy." she replied and he hummed.

„But we want to stay with you aunty."
Chase told her and she smiled down on them.

„I want you with me too and I will do everything in my power to give you the best place to stay at.
Would you be sad if you'd stay at Lizzie's or Scarlett's place sometimes?" she asked them and they shook their head.

„No we love them. We wouldn't mind if they won't mind." Chase answered and Beth smiled a bit more knowing that the kids are fine with them as well if things should change.

„Good. I'm glad. I love you guys."

„We love you to aunty." they both replied synchronized and this made her laugh a bit.

„Alright. Looks like Chestnut is done with his walk how about we grab some breakfast and go see the others hm?"

„Yes please I'm hungry." Quinn told her and she nod.

„Me too and I wanna see mom." chase added as they started to walk back to the house.


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