Stuff that mouth with...

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Nora POV

„You wanna eat something?" I looked up as scar asked me and I nod.

„Hell yeah. I haven't ate something good in a while." I answered and she grinned.

„Then look at those who walk right towards us!"
She leaned forward and pointed out as we were outside at the hospital.
I see Beth with Cobie having pizza with them while Chase and Quinn ran playfully around them with chestnut.

„Oh chestnut my love. Come here." i yelled out and I wanted to get up so bad to run towards my big fluffy baby but she jumped me already and gave me lots of face licks.

„Now that is a way to say Hallo. Hiii my love. God I missed you so much." I kissed her and rubbed her head while she started to bark as if she wanted to say halo as well.

„Don't you ever scare us like this again!" I heard Beth's voice speak up as she stood in front of me by now.

„Hopefully I won't."

„Come here bestie. I missed you endlessly!!"
She gave me a kiss on the head and a big tight hug
Which I missed a lot.

„It's good to have you back." I looked at Cobie and embraced her into a hug as well.

„Hi babe." I saw scar and Cobie kiss and I nudged my arm into Beth's thigh in a cheeky way which made her laugh.

„Mom! Mom! We got you some pizza!" Chase and Quinn cheered cause I could tell that they were hungry.

„Great cause mom is hungry. Come on let's get inside. Lizzie is probably awake by now too wondering where I am."

„I am wheeling mom." Quinn nudged scar aside and she looked down at me in a questionable way as if I should let him or not.

„Do it with chase come on. Both of you are stronger together." I told them and smiled up to scar to let her know that I'll be fine. Hopefully they won't drive me into someone.

„Soo Beth... how's Lesley?" I asked and she looked down at me in shock.

„You aren't even awake for 24 hours and you already know what is going on in my love life?"
She asked me while raising a brow and I shrugged my shoulders.

„Well she's a good source." I pointed next to me to scar and I felt a light tap on the back of my head.

„Heyy no hitting sick people." Quinn warned scar and she raised her hand as if she is innocent.

„Wow scar looks like you are the chatty mouse after all."

„Oh she's for sure chatty." Cobie added jokingly and I couldn't help but to look at scar in a flirtatious way which made her role her eyes.

„Babe. Don't take it to far or else I'll have to stuff that gorgeous mouth of yours."

„Will you stuff it with pizza aunty scar?" Chase asked and just for a split second we all forgot that my kids were around us.

„Ehh yeah... lots of... pizza." scar answered unsure.

„Cool I wanna see that!"

„Me too!! Will mom get her mouth stuffed with pizza as well?" Chase asked and I let out a sigh.
I am so glad that my kids are still way to young to get the dirty jokes we spills

„Nahh I don't think I can stuff that much pizza into my mouth sweetie." I spoke up and only now I realized what i have said.

„Well your mouth can be stuffed with a lot of things I remember that." scar mumbled so quiet that only I was able to hear It. I gave her a warning look and punch into her thigh since I am still sitting on the wheelchair.

Lizzie POV

I started to wake up from my nap because this chair was not comfortable at all. I looked down at myself and realized I was halfway tugged in with Nora's blanket. I looked up and only now I realized that Nora is nowhere to be seen.
Panic started rise in my mind because I can't picture that she got up on her own and left as if nothing happened. She definitely can't walk because her muscles are to weak for now.
So where the fuck is she?

As I wanted to get up I heard the door open and i saw a Beth and Cobie walk in with pizza boxes in their hands. Right behind them were scar who walked next to Nora while she was holding onto her IV pole. Nora was sitting in a wheelchair that was rolled by her two little toodles that I learned to love endlessly. They had the brightest smile on their faces which made me melt.

„Good morning sleepy head. I thought you were still asleep." Nora spoke to me and I smiled while shaking my head lightly.

„No I just woke up. Looks like you went on a trip and brought your whole gang with you." I joked as I got up to greet everyone with a quick hug.

„Yeah I actually found her trying to get up while you were asleep. She wanted to go outside and see the sun." scar added and I looked at Nora.

„You could have woken me up from my sleep.
I would have taken you out." I told her and she smiled up on me.

„I know you would have. But I saw you asleep and I couldn't help myself but to tug you in and let you sleep. It looked like you needed it." she told me and my heart warmed up on how kind she acted.

„Thanks hun." I mouthed her and she became a big red around the nose.

„Wanna see how aunty scar will stuff aunty Cobies mouth with pizza?" chase asked me as she tugged on my sleeve. I looked confused towards the lady's and they shrugged their shoulders innocently.

„Sweetie they won't stuff their mouths with food."
I answered jokingly and I noticed how Nora was shaking her head while giggling. Oh now I noticed what I have gotten myself into.

„What else are they supposed to stuff their mouths with then?" Chase asked confused while scratching the back of her head.

„Ehh... well.." I was a bit out of words by now cause I don't know how to pull myself out of that situation.

„You know what? Food was absolutely the right answer sweetie. See I'll prove it to you."
I went over to the table and grabbed two slices of pizza that I folded together so I can bite into them all at once. Everyone had an amusing expression on their faces and they couldn't help but to laugh at me.

„See?? We love stuffing it"
I added as I was chewing on my big bite.

„cool now you aunty Cobie too!!" Quinn encouraged her and she gave in now doing the same.
Everyone was laughing on and on as we were all enjoying the quality time together.

No one else but you (Book 3. of „Only you")Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora