Movie night

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Narrator POV

„What ya doing babe?" Cobie asked as she slung her arms around scar letting her head rest on her shoulder.

„Making Lizzie the special tea you mentioned.
She needs to sleep good and this will put her through a deep and quiet sleep."

„Oh I didn't know she wanted a cup? She didn't say yes when I asked her earlier." Cobie added and scar hummed.

„That is because she didn't say yes to it." Scar mumbled to herself.

„So you're gonna drug her? Scar this isn't the right way." she answered a bit stern and kept distance now to watch her girlfriend closely noticing that she looks worried.

„I know it's not. But I only want the best for her and the best for her is sleep which she is missing out on. Besides she is safe here. She can sleep her tiredness out until the tea will lose its effect. We take care of the kids make breakfast and go for a walk together with chestnut in the woods. After that she will be awake. Stop judging my decision okay." scar fired back and Cobie crossed her arms.

„I am not judging your decision scar. I just wanted to let you know that you should ask her first before you hand her the tea over. Imagine you'd be the one who'd get drugged? I know for a matter of fact you'd be pissed."

„If it was for the fact that I would get good sleep I wouldn't be mad at all. You know how important it is for me to sleep. I love sleeping and especially with you." she replied cocky and Cobie rolled her eyes.

„Okay this was smooth but that's not the point I am trying to make. I don't want you guys to fight. She has already enough things going on in her head and she needs us to lift these thoughts off her mind and away from her for a while at least. After all the one she is missing is the love of her life." Cobie replied while she leaned against the kitchen counter.

„Love of her life? You think so?" scar asked and she chuckled.

„You really are clueless sometimes. I Love that about you. But yeah. The way Lizzie talks about her. How she takes care of Nora's kids as if they were her own. How pressed she is ever since the things happened and she is in the hospital. I know deep deep love when I see it. It's obvious. But the universe pushed so many rocks onto their path and it's a lot for Lizzie to handle."

„I love you. Did I say that today? I love the way you care about others. I know you don't know Lizzie for that long but I appreciate your support and love for her a lot."

„I love you too and yes you've said it a lot of times today. Right after shower sex. After I poured you the coffee this morning. And when I woke up next to you. But keep on doing it, cause your woman loves to hear it." they kissed and after that their arguing settled as if they never argued at all.

Cobie yelled out as she took the pre made popcorn bowl hearing the kids cheer.
She gave her girlfriend a quick peak and moved into the living room where everyone was sitting and watching the movie already.

„Here Liz. I got you something warm. Thought you might need it to relax a bit more." scar handed Lizzie a big mug over and she smiled softly.

„Thank you scar. Come on sit down and join us."
She patted the seat next to her and scar climbed over the couch to sit down.


Time went on by fast and after two movies the kids fell asleep. Lizzie was starting to get tired as well and Cobie was already cleaning up the mess the kids made during the movie.

„Hey I'll bring the kids up and after that I'll go to sleep as well. I don't know what it is but I all extremely tired." Lizzie spoke up as she got up from the couch and scar hummed.

„do you need any help with bringing them upstairs?" scar asked and Lizzie shook her head.

„No it's fine. I'll bring them up one by one. We got used to it." she smiled tiredly as she knelled down next to Quinn.

„Hey pal let's get you up to bed huh?" Lizzie was stroking the hair out of his face and he hummed while stretching his arms out.

„Okay let's go. Come on." Lizzie carried him and Cobie took the blanket starting to fold it together.

„She's great with them." Cobie whispered and scar nod.

„Indeed. She truly loves them as if they were her own." scar replied and tugged Chases hair behind her ear.

„He fell asleep instantly. I don't even think he woke up while I carried him upstairs." Lizzie spoke up as she came down the stairs.

„Where is chestnut by the way?" Lizzie asked as she walked around the couch to knell down in front of Chase.

„He's upstairs in our bed."

„Oh god I am so sorry. She really walks around and sleep in any random bed as if it is her place. I'll wake her and take her to my bed."

„No. Liz it's fine. She can sleep on our bed we don't mind at all." scar replied and she nod in a thankful way.

„alright sweetie it's time for bed. Let's get you upstairs too." Lizzie pulled the blanket away slowly and Chase whined a bit tiredly.

„wanna say good night?"

„Night aunty scar n aunty Cobie. Night mama."
Everyone froze and their eyes met in pure shock and confusion.

„D-did you guys hear that?"

„Oh my god." scar whispered quietly trying not to wake Chase.

„This is adorable. I can't." Cobie replied as she was waving her hand in front of her face as if she wants to wave tears away.

„Alright. Let's get you up." Lizzie took her into her arms and carried her upstairs.


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