Chopping wood

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Lizzie POV

The weather was warm and Nora and I spend some time outside in the backyard she created throughout the years. I sat at the table with my book in one hand and my coffee in my other.

Every time I tried to read I got distracted by the splitting sound of wood. Nora was chopping wood that was dry enough. It is good for the campfire and for the fireplace in the house. She's been doing it for round about an hour by now and she is already sweating from the hard work.

I closed my book placed it aside and hugged my cup of coffee with my hands. I gave up on reading since I am that distracted and she doesn't even notice that I am practically glaring her up and down.

She is wearing a denim jeans that used to have tiny holes in them which I assume is a working jeans cause this piece of pants looks like it has gone through something. To my preference she is wearing a tang top that has little dirt spots on it.

Her toned arms are glistening in the bright sun light from the sweat she is producing with all the chopping. I honestly can't get enough of this view and it kills me that she is not noticing me at all.

„Hey hot stuff!" I yelled out and after the wood split in half like a pistachio she stopped. She looked towards my direction while she was raising her arm to give her eyes some cover from the bright sun. He top is rising a bit from that arm movement and I am able to see her belly button by now.

„Is this how you cat call everyone around you?"
She asked in a cocky way and I rolled my eyes on her joke but two can play this game.

„Only the ones I really like." I added and she chuckled starting to chop wood again. Is she being for real?

„Don't you wanna have a break?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders while wiping away the seat from her forehead with her arm.

„Well the wood doesn't split in half by it self."
She spoke up and I had to bring that one line in. If she doesn't bite on that I'll leave it for today.

„I got something else that needs to be split in half too y'know!" I replied and she stopped the axe midway. She looked at me for a moment and then chopped the wood once again making it fall into half.

„Well... what is it that needs to be split in half as well as this wood?" she asked in a naughty way and how she staged that question made me feel things.

„My legs." the answer rolled of my tongue so effortlessly and she grinned wide at this cocky reply. I saw he tongue bulged in her cheek and she kissed her teeth before she tossed the axe aside.
She took off her gloves and started to walk my direction.

„Y'know the tools I usually use for splitting the wood isn't really good for...splitting legs."
She called out as she got closer with every step and every word.

„Well. You and I got plenty of other tools to make my legs split."

„What about an example professor." she dragged her answers and she was standing leaned against the table by now.

„The sight of you is actually enough to make these legs split. But I think today you need more than just your presence to make my legs split for you."
I told her as I tugged on her jeans.
She smirked down on and my felt how she traced her fingers alongside my jawline to my chin to raised my head gently so I'd look at her instead of her Center that is still covered by her jeans.

„Eyes up on me Olsen." she husked and I gulped.
How her hair is resting on her shoulders is everything right now. Half of it is tugged into a bun but from all the work there are some strains hanging down.

„What? Did that cocky woman just lost her words?" she poured and I rolled my eyes on her once again.

„My words already make you role your eyes on me? Safe that eye rolling for the bed interactions."
She replied and I chuckled.

„Now back to my so called tole selection... what else do I have in stack that will make your legs split huh?" she asked and I got up and started walking inside while pulling on her jeans to simply drag her behind me.

„I got a small list. How about your words. Your hands..." I began to list them up.

„Your mouth." I looked now back at her letting my eyes rest on her mouth first before I look up to her eyes.

„Is that all?" she asked and I chuckled while keep on dragging her upstairs to our room.

„You know we got plenty of other toys. But I like to keep it classy first before we keep on moving."
I told her as I made her fall down backwards onto the bed. I straddled her and leaned down onto her to be close enough to feel her breath on me.

„Kiss me." was all I Said and I felt her lips on mine.


I opened my eyes and noticed that chestnut was licking my face. „Oh for fucking sake come on.."
I whined as I realized that this was just a dream.

„Ugh. Thank you chestnut for this lovely waking up program." I told her as I started to tose myself to Nora's bed side. She got off of me and barked once before sitting down next to me.

I started to hear the sound off dry wood collide with one another and this made me realize that this was a trigger for my dream. The hollow sound of wood colliding with one another that it almost sounds like chopping wood and chestnut literally licking my face.

„Please I wanna fall asleep again." I whispered to myself as I rubbed my eyes and I felt chestnut on me again.

„Okay, okay. No sleeping for mommy I guess. Ugh come one girl. I know you only woke me because of your hungry ass." I spoke to her and she barked as if she wanted to say yes.


A/n: leaving y'all high and dry with that chapter hehe

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


No one else but you (Book 3. of „Only you")Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora