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Lizzie POV

The sun was shining through the windows and it brightened everyone of us up. The air lays calm in the house even though some windows are open.
There was no wind blowing through.

I've became a bit quiet but not in a negative way.
I just want to absorb every second and minute passing by as if those where the last. As if this was the last time when I get to see Nora sitting on the ground surrounded by her kids and Chestnut. How some rays of sunshine make her appear even more beautiful.

She's watching and listening how her kids fill her in on the time she missed out on. They told her what we did and how the weather was and how I was towards them. They aren't letting out any detail they can remember. Nora Is literally being overflowed with information from left and right but she listens carefully and takes in everything her kids say.

„And then mama went in and yelled at our principal for how bad Chase got treated. She was awesome when she walked in so angry as if she was about to tackle someone!" Quinn was really hyped as he told Nora what went down that day when I saw that Chase's glasses got shattered by her bully.

I looked around and get blank shocked stares from everyone except for Nora, Chase and Quinn because they were occupied on the ground. The rest of us sat around them on the couches.

„Liz.." scar whispered shocked and I know exactly why they all look at me as it they just found out who stole the last cookie from the jar.

„Did he just?" Beth asked me referring to the fact that he called me mama.

„And did she just?" scar asked confused that Nora didn't correct Quinn. All I did in reply was nod with a smile on my face that couldn't disappear.
They all gasped synchronized.

„What are you all gasping about?" Nora asked and joined the conversation but everyone shrugged their shoulders as if they have no idea what she is talking about.

„We even started to plant plants. Now you and mama can both work outside. You will chop wood and she will pick blueberries. Isn't that awesome?"
Chase told Nora as she was cheering.

I remember one day where I had the urge to work outside with nature and I couldn't really go back to my own house because Robbie is there. So I went to go behind Nora's house and obviously there was enough space to plant something.
Chase came outside saying that seeing me here outside reminds her of her mom.
She asked me a bunch of questions while she assisted me during the garden work we did.

I felt incredibly good after first because I was outside, second because I planted something new and third because I was able to teach Chase something about plants and nature.
„Your daughter has a little green thumb. Right
Sweetie?" I looked at Nora and then at Chase. They both smiled towards me and a dimple appeared on both of their right cheek which made me melt.

„Yeah well Chase loves picking flowers during the spring time while I chop wood. She isn't allowed to assist me with my tasks cause they are a bit to dangerous for you." Chase huffed out annoyed about Nora and I chuckled lightly understanding that chopping wood isn't safe for kids this age.

„Your mom is right. This is dangerous work. You'll be able to do it when you are old enough."
I told Chase and Nora pulled her daughter into her arms and squeezed her as tight as she could.

„Mom let me go." Chase yelled out funny but Nora shook her head.

„Let me enjoy this for a bit longer. It's been a while since I had my baby in my arms."

„Okay... guess I'll just go over to mama for a hug."
Quinn probably felt left out for a moment and shrugged his shoulders to walked up to me and as I opened my arms he got pulled back by his shirt and fell into Nora's arms as well.
She hugged them both tight and they all fell down backwards together. I honestly couldn't get enough of watching this chaotic little family interact together. They give me a feeling I've only felt with my family but not even as intense as I feel it right now. This warmth in my heart that spreads through my whole body to keep me warm.

She showered them in kisses and after a minute she started to slow down becoming tired from probably everything. „Finally our chance to escape." the kids took advantage of Nora's sloppiness and they got up letting their mom lay on the ground.

„You wanna go to bed?" I asked her as I leaned forwards to stroke her knee to gain her attention.
She hummed for a moment before I leaned over to grab her hands so I could pull her up but she tricked me and pulled me down so that I would fall off the couch.

„Sorry I had to do that." she laughed and my face lit up seeing how happy she is right now just because she tricked me.

„I'll get you back on that move. Prepare yourself."
I pointed down on her and she raised her hands defeated in an apologetic way.

„By the way. I haven't asked anyone yet but how is work going? Anything new?" she asked out loud to grab everyone's attention as we both sat ourselves up.

„Is work really a topic for such a lovely gathering?"
Cobie asked and Nora nod.

„I don't know probably not. But I wanna know it anyways."

„Mom we will go out play okay." Quinn spoke up to Nora and she nod giving them both a kiss.

„Oh and take Chestnut with you. Don't go away to far and stay safe. Love you."

„Love you too mom." they both replied while they ran out with Chestnut.


A/n: another softy soft chapter for our mind, heart and soul...

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love✌🏽❤️

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