On the run

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Narrator POV

„Lesley! Thank you for coming by so quickly."
I walked up to the police car where Lesley stepped out of.

„Of course. Where is he?" she asked me and I looked around to the spot where he was laying but he wasn't there.

„Shit.. he was laying here on the ground barley moving. He attacked Lizzie and he told us about the things he did. That he was blackmailing Nora into faking her death and he told Victor later on who tired to kill Nora.. he was right here! I swear."

„Okay scar. Don't worry we will find him.
Tom we have a 10-57 here over."

„Do you need a 10-52? Over."
She glanced behind me and I looked back too not knowing why she is looking to the house.

„Where is Lizzie? Is she okay does she need an ambulance?" Lesley asked me and I shook my head.

„No she is fine. From what I can tell. Her eye is just swollen from the punch but she takes it like a pro."

„Okay. No 10-52 Tom over." Lesley spoke into the walkie-talkie.

„We will send search teams through the forest and I advise for you to not stay here tonight. Both of you." she informed me and I nod.

„Let me inform Lizzie first." I walked off and she nod walking back to the police car where here college was standing.

„Liz?" I walked in seeing her on the couch.

„is everything okay? Did they arrest him?"
She asked as she sat up still covering her eye.
I staid silent not knowing how to over bring her the news that will guide her into panic or anger.
She lowered her hand to remove the ice from her eye and I feel like she already knows that something is wrong.

„Where is he?" she asked sternly.

„He's gone. H-he got away somehow."
I told her and she chuckled.

„I'm sorry." I added and now the chuckled faded away.

„What do you mean he got away somehow? He was laying there bawled up on the ground! Not even 20 minutes ago! Scarlett what the fuck are you trying to tell me with that he is gone?"
She raised her voice as she got up but I saw her close her eyes and lose balance which probably was a side effect from the punch.

„Hey come on sit down I don't want you to faint okay? They will find him. Lesley is handling it.
It's their daily routine and he definitely can't go home or else he will get caught."

„How can you be so calm? Scar he is out there on the run god know where and he will not finish until he... oh my god. Nora!" realization hit the both of us and my gut twitches knowing that something worse might happen.

„Shit! Lesley!!! We need you in her quick!" I yelled behind me and after seconds I saw Lesley run in.

„What's wrong?" she asked concerned.

„Robbie I know where he will be!" Lizzie spoke up and Lesley grabbed her Walkie-Talkie.

„The hospital. He will try to kill Nora! He is probably already there! We have to stop him!"
Lizzie added hectic.

„Tom I need officers in the hospital. Position them in the intensive care unite and in front of Nora Lewis's room. He might be there to kill her. Over."
She spoke into the Walkie-Talkie.

„officers are on the way. Over."
We heard the male voice and a bit relief rushed through my body.

„Lizzie it is for the better if you stay at a safer place tonight. With scar as well. Take some things with you especially for the kids and stay somewhere else until we have Robbie behind bars." Lesley told Liz and she nod.

„Hey I'll go and get the things for the kids. You guys will stay at Cobies house with us. He doesn't know her which means he doesn't know where she lives. So we would all be safe."

„What about work? How are you gonna get there?" she asked me.

„Lizzie is still out of work for a month or so.. right liz?" I answered and she nod.

„I took some time off yeah.. so he won't find me there." Lizzie answered and Lesley nod.

„Good. What about you scar?" she asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.

„He won't dare to come close to me. Besides he knows what will come for him if he ever crosses my way again." I answered and Lesley had to hide a smile in this stern situation.

„Okay that's good. Great. Okay then I will keep you guys updated. Keep your eyes open. If he calls you Lizzie or any text message we need to know it okay? I don't want you to go out there by yourself. We don't know what he is capable of or if he is armed."

„I will do so. Thank you Lesley." Lizzie answered and she nod giving her a smile.

„Of course. I'm glad I can help. So I'll see you guys soon and here scar. Take my card you have my number on it if anything happens."
She gave me a small card and I smiled down on it.

„Thanks Lesley. I'll walk you to your car."
I nod to the door and we walked out together.

„You think he will go to the hospital?" I asked after Lizzie couldn't hear us anymore.

„Honestly yes. I do think so. He will either get back to you guys or to the kids or to Nora. He will probably try to get to Nora because he thinks it's the easiest target. But he won't have it easy. Everyone will be registered when they want to visit and if my teams stands in front of the door there won't be a possibility for him to enter.
Only nurses and doctors. This also means that there are no visitors allowed. Not even you guys. At least until we have him. I am sorry."

„No it's fine. As long as we know that Nora will be safe we are relieved. Thank you again. Drive safe."
I tapped onto the car because she was already sitting behind the steering wheel.

„You can count on me. I'll hear from you soon.
Be careful." she replied with a smile and drove off.

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