At the hospital

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Lizzie POV

„Misses Olsen the Scans and tests confirmed our suspicion that you have a concussion. Gladly it is just a light one and some rest with the right medication will do the work to get you back on track." the doctor informed me as he walked in sitting down on a chair in front of me.

„Good to know thank you doc." I thanked him and he smiles gently as he wrote something down on a paper.

„Take these two times a day they are a bit strong so there might be some side effects. One in the morning after breakfast and one in the evening after dinner. If they are to strong come back and let us know we will look for a different solution. But this should work just fine." he explained and I nod.

„Thank you again." I thanked him once again as he handed me the paper over.

„Get well soon misses." he says and I nod walking off to go back to scar who was waiting in the hospital floor.

„And?" she asked as she saw me walk up on her.

„A light concussion. Some rest and pain killers should do the work." I told her briefly and a sound of relief left her body.

„Okay good that it's just a light one. Here I got you some water." she gave me the bottle and I smiled shortly before taking a sip of it.

„Have you seen where the emergency center is?"
I asked referring to Nora who most definitely will be there.

„They told me it's on the first floor. So we have to go down." she told me as we started to walk to the elevator.

As we exited the elevator we saw a receptionist sitting there and smiling at us. „Hi how can I help you?" she asked friendly.

„We are here for.." scar didn't know what name to use so I had to interfere.

„My girlfriend has been shoot and they told us we would find here here. Can you tell us anything about her conditions?" i felt scars glare on me and I know why but I had to say it or else they wouldn't tell us anything.

„I am actually not allowed to tell you anything... even if you are her girlfriend but I'll see what I can find out." she replied quietly and started to tap things into the computer which made her face frown.

„She's being operated on at the moment and that ever since she got in. They didn't put her into the ER because the damage is... a lot." she told us and sadly and my heart aches hearing this.

„She has been operated on for hours is there anything else you can tell us?" scar asked for us as she realized that I wasn't able to say anything else.

„Her condition is worrying. I wanna be honest with you someone who has been shoot with so many bullets has a low survival rate. I hate saying this and I know how much it pains but you should prepare yourself for the worst. I'm sorry." she added ripping my heart out with these news.

„Is there a waiting area?" scar asked in shock.

„right around the corner. I will see if I can find out anything else in the mean time." she replied and I felt how scar moved me towards the waiting area to sit down with me. To wait for news that might ruin my life forever.

„She's gonna make it." scar mumbled after a while as she placed her hand on my thigh trying to comfort me.

„You heard what she said. The rate is low to survive such a huge damage." I choked out as my memories floated back to when she was laying in my arms bleeding out. How pale she looked and devastated but she still tired to hide it.

„I am dying." I mumbled and scar looked at me confused.

„what?" she asked and I repeated it.

„She said it. I am dying. She felt it she new it and she wanted to let me know. But I ignored it.
Somehow she looked relieved and I can't get this image out of my head h-how she begged for me to... hold her hand because she knew that deep down she won't make it. A-and I."
I felt scars arm wrap around me in a side hug pulling me towards her giving me a safe space to let it out again.

„I-I should have held her hand. But I was so focused on trying to help. I should have listened to her and h-held her hand one last time."
I cried out felling how everything is crushing me down over and over again.

„I saw how life faded out of her eyes. She was getting colder and colder. I couldn't keep her warm. I told her I would. But I couldn't. She must feel so cold. I can't lose her again scar. Not like this." my words where hard to understand since I was sobbing so hard.

Scar staid silent probably not being able to say anything that could cherish me up. Nothing can cherish me up. Only Nora can and she is probably dying on this operation table feeling cold and alone.

Scars phone started to ring after a while and she pulled it out to pick up. „Heyy we are in the waiting room right now." she explained and I think Cobie is on the other side.

„I can't leave. Is Lesley going to tell her?" I pulled away from the hug giving her the space to talk.

„I think it's for the better if she tells them that. Beth knows the kids since they where born and I think it will be easier to hear it from her instead from anyone else." now I get what she's talking about. Someone needs to tell Quinn and Chase what happened.

„We will definitely stay here. I'm sure they will come by as soon as they find out." she added.

„Are you coming too?" she asked sounding hopeful to see her love again.

„alright. Love you bye." she whispered probably not wanting me to hear it for some reason.

„Lesley the police officer you met earlier will drive down to Beth's house and tell her what is going on and what happened."

„you know her?" I asked and she nod while sitting down again.

„She is a close friend of Cobie. We met before y'know before everything happened and she met Nora too. Lesley and Beth where instantly connected with one another and I think it's for the better if she tells her this. Besides we can't leave or else we would have told her that."

„Oh god the kids. They're gonna be mortified."
I sigh as I rubbed my eyes making the tears go away.

„We have to be strong for them. For their sake. They are still kids after all." scar added and I hummed while leaning back into the uncomfortable hospital chair.


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