Security and officers

440 26 1

Nora POV

As I opened my eyes I saw that I had a man dressed in black sitting in the corner of the room.
I shrugged together in shock and I didn't know what to do so I looked around a bit hectic.

„Hey it's okay. I am just here as a security support.
I am Paul." he introduced himself as he leaned forward with a smile resting on his face.

„Nora." I introduced shortly and he nod while leaning back into his chair.

„Have you been here all night?" I asked as I heard the birds outside which means that a new day is about to start.

„Pretty much yeah. I am responsible for you now until things will settle. I am sorry what happened to you." he apologized sincerely.

„Thanks Paul. But it's not your fault."
I told him as I moved a bit up so I can sit a bit.

„I know. But still. I get so mad when I hear that things like this happen." he replied a bit tense and he realized it by the look I had on my face.

„I am sorry. This was out of place and unprofessional. I have a younger sister and she had similar issues with men. This was just a bit overprotective of me."

„No it's fine. Don't worry. I bet she is lucky to have you as a protective brother."

„You don't have any siblings?" he asked and I chuckled.

„I do. But it's complicated. I was always the black sheep in the family and things didn't really settle for me. I've been on my own for as long as I can remember."

„But to me it looks like you are not." he wiggled his finger around me to point out the small paintings from my kids and the bouquets.

„Well.. their my new family. They really love me and have my back." I smiled at the get well gifts and flowers that laid next to me.

„That's nice."

„Indeed. It is." I mumbled and leaned back.

„Do you have any family?" I asked and he shook his head.

„No I am trying to find the one. But work is taking a hold of my free time."

„U call watching me sleep work?" I asked and he laughed while shaking his head.

„I mean yeah. It is but it ain't my main job."

„What is it then?"

„I work at my family's dog and cat shelter. I am supposed to take the family business over and I will."

„Oh wow that is amazing. Then why are you here if you have a business to take care off?"
I asked and he smiled.

„I am doing it voluntarily. I did some courses to become a security guard and I kinda got used to being here."

„That sounds amazing and like a lot of work to manage. Respect to you Paul." I told him and he smiled.

„Thanks Nora."

„So you ain't got a wife?" I asked and he shook his head.

„Do you?" he joked and I laughed.

„No. no I don't think so."

„Wait...what does that mean? I don't think so?
You either know if you have a wife or not.
It's not that complicated."
He explained and I let out a sigh of frustration.

„well I have memory gaps from my accident. So my dating life and potential partner has still a question mark in my mind."

„Oh.. I am sorry to hear that. But I am sure she will stick around if she is the one."
He tried to cheer me up and I smiled faintly at him.

„Yeah. Me too.." i mumbled and after we heard a knock we looked to the door and saw it open.
Nurse Olivia walked in with two officers behind her.

„Morning Nora. I Hope you slept well after what happened." she spoke up with a sorrow filled face.

„Honestly I don't think I would have been able to sleep if the doc wouldn't have gave me a sedative."
I replied as she placed the breakfast plate down with my meds on them as well.

„Look some officers are here to ask questions about what had happened and about the person that tied to..."

„Kill me? Looks like more than one person has a death wish for me." I replied sarcastically but no one laughed.

„Sorry.. it's a coping mechanism." I added fast and the officers pulled out pen and a note book.

„Well we are sorry that these things happened to you miss Lewis."

„Please. Call me Nora. I insist."
I told them and they nod.

„The person known as Robbie Arnett. Do you know him? What relationship do you have with him?" the male officer asked me sternly.

„He's the husband of an close friend of mine."
I told them and I hated to say these words somehow. How can Lizzie marry someone who wants to kill me?

„was there any romantic relationship as well?" he asked while he took some notes.

„No. never. I could never. Even if he'd be the last person on earth. I wouldn't." I told them and the officer looked up from his note book with Skepsis.

„Do you hate him?" he asked.

„For what he was trying to do yes. But I didn't know that he wanted to kill me."

„Do you think he has a specific reason for trying to kill you?" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders.
I don't know if I should tell him that Robbie probably wants to kill me because Lizzie had such a good connection with me.

„I wish I knew officer but I don't." I answered and he nod.

„Was he abusive to his wife before and have you witnessed anything? Or do you know something that might put him into a bad light?" the female officer asked now and I shook my head.
I swear to god himself if he laid hands on Lizzie I will kill him with my bare hands.

„I don't no." I answered quick and she nod.

„Okay. Normally we would take you with us to the office now but your conditions are not supporting that. So here. Take this." the female officer gave me her little card.

„as soon as you will be able to come down to our station call us."

„I thought this was everything for that case?"

„We arrested him and he will stay behind bars for now since he attempted to kill you. But we need to have you down at our station for another case."

„You killed your ex. This is first degree murder and the court is waiting for you." she told me and I swallowed the lump in my throat down.

„Kelly we need you at the station. Over."
The little microphone spoke up on the male officers shoulder. The officer started to walk out.

„We'll be down in 10. Over. Lesley.. come on."
Then it clicked in my mind. This is Beth's girlfriend. What the fuck. This is how I meet my best friends girlfriend? No wonder why she was silent all the time.

„listen. I know from what I saw and heard that you actions were out of pure self defense. Some officers try to twist your mind to make you think that you are guilty. Some are corrupted. So stick to yourself and your story and everything will turn out fine for you and for your kids."
She added quick as she stroked over my hand gently.

„Lesley!! Come on we gotta go." the other officer yelled out as he stretched his head through.

„Get well soon." she whispered and walked off.

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