Waiting room

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Narrator POV

Rain drops poured down onto the window just as Lizzie's tears where falling down her face silently. She was holding hands with scar yet she minded her gaze watching the single rain drops scatter down the window.

Scar heard her suppressed sobs and tightened her grip around her best friends hand every once in a while letting her know that she is not alone.
Everything that scar felt at this moment was pure rage and anger. Not towards Lizzie or towards Nora.

It was towards herself.

A part of her blames herself for not holding Nora back from leaving her place because that was the last time she saw her.
She wished she would have told Cobie's friend that it was Nora who was twisted into this mess of a situation that turned into a disaster. A catastrophe.

„Ironic isn't it?" Lizzie spoke up catching scars attention immediately.

„What is ironic?" she questioned not having a damn clue what could be so ironic especially in a situation like this.

„Nora loves the rain and as if the universe is sending a sign...they let it rain for her. This rain is for her and only her."

„I get why she loves the rain. It's beautiful to watch." scar told her best friend who was still not looking at her.

„It nurtures every single being on this planet. It is essential and nature can't live without it." Lizzie added quietly as she tilted her head giving the tears of nature one last look before she looked at scar.
And that's when scar realized.

„She is my rain scar. I- I can't live without her."
Lizzie admitted and scar pulled her back into a side hug stroking her best friends head how Nora always used to do when they hugged.

„You won't have to Liz.." scar whispered not knowing if she fully believes this statement or not.
Is she telling a lie? Is this a lie and if so did she tell Lizzie the lie so she would believe it or did scar told the lie to herself?

„I told her she was a coward." scar admitted towards Lizzie making her separate from the hug.

„What? Why?" Lizzie asked confused as she wiped her face.

„Before she went to Beth and left her kids there to pack some bags she was at my place and we had an argument. She told me and Cobie what happened and she told us she wanted to leave again. I told her... I made her believe that she was a coward. I-I shouldn't have said it and I regret saying it because now she might die probably thinking that I picture her as someone who is a coward b-but she's not I just wanted to keep her safe a-and." scar became more hectic with every word that left her mouth and without noticing the warm tears where already falling down her beautiful face.

Lizzie noticed her concern immediately because she knows when scar is upset and she sees the guilt in her eyes which scar never shows. She is always the tougher one compared to Lizzie but now Lizzie is the one who needs to comfort her. And as she pulled her into a hug she was giving her comfort she needed and the touch and warm hug brought scars guilt tripping situation down.

„I don't think she thinks that. I think deep down she knows that we are harsh with her because we want to keep her safe." She told her hoping that what she said was right. Lizzie would have swooped places with Nora if she could. Just so she could be with her kids.

„scar? Lizzie?" both separated from the hug seeing that Beth Stands in front of them while holding hands with Chase on her left side and Quinn on her right side.

The kids didn't smile nor did they greet them as they used to do. A spark extinguished their aura.
Their mother was their spark and it shows now how much they need her. Probably more than Lizzie and scar do. They don't understand a lot of things because they are still so young and yet Lizzie feels like the kids started to realize how serious the situation is.

To Lizzie's and Scar's surprise the kids walked up on them falling into their arms beginning to cry as soon as they hugged them back.

„A-aunty Beth told us mom was being a hero!"
Chase spoke up in between tears and the heart broken women looked up to Beth who was standing there in tears as well.

„She saved me yes.. she is my hero." Lizzie whispered as she held back her tears to stay strong for the little ones. Not for herself because she wasn't able to do it but for them because they need a strong grounded person more than anything right now.

„She is our hero too." Quinn told them and scar hugged him tighter.

„excuse me?" two doctors who where wearing a blue uniform with a white smock walked up on them.

„You must be friends and family from miss Lewis right?" the other doctor asked and they nod. Lizzie and scar got up as they kept the kids in a hug around their legs.

„I am doctor Carmack and this is doctor Luddington. We where one of the surgeons who operated on Miss Lewis." she informed them and doctor Carmack knelled down to the kids hight.

„Hey guys I'm Chris. I have something really really cool to show. You wanna come with me?" he asked them and Chase and Quinn looked up to scar and Lizzie in a questioning way which made them nod down on them signing them that it is okay to walk off with the doc. They know that he just wants to pull them away from the conversation that is about to happen and everyone knows this isn't something for ears of two little six year olds.
Quinn took Chase's hand and the doc grabbed Quinn's hand walking off with them.


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