„She is my moon"

435 31 5

Lizzie POV


„They are not yours! What do you think they are? Some belongings? They are children and they won't be with you unless Nora says so! She told me personally that I am the one responsible until she will be able to get back. Not a single action or word from you can change anything."
I raised my voice at him and he staid silent for a moment.

„Not even if pull the law in? I can get my lawyers and things won't be the same for you any longer.
It wouldn't last a day until I'll have my grandchildren standing at my front door."
He threatened but this isn't effecting me at all.
As he noticed that my expression didn't change to shock his face got scattered in confusion.

„The law won't help you here George. You wanna know why? I'll tell you why. Your daughter was smart enough to creat a legal guard for her children. I am their legal guard!!" I told him with confidence even though this was a lie. An emergency lie I didn't want to tell but I had to.
I had to lie to keep the kids save with me.
If he knew that Nora wouldn't have put a legal guard onto me or anyone else he would have taken the kids away from me and I would never be able to forgive myself because I know damn well that Nora wouldn't want them around him.

„Is that so? Why should I believe you that?"
He questioned as he narrowed his eyes.

„Believe it or not. I don't care if you do. You won't get my our children. You'd have to walk over my dead body first." I threatened and he staid silent.
His posture loosened up now and he took his glasses off to rub his eyes.

„Elizabeth.. think I overstepped some boundaries. I am sorry for putting you in a situation like this. This was absolutely unprofessional. I was harsh and disrespectful. I don't know what came over me but those are old habits I am trying to get rid off."
Be apologized which was absolutely a surprise for me and I didn't know how to react at first.

„W-well thank you.. for apologizing. I am sorry too for the way I reacted. I am just really really protective ever since I have them under my arms and I couldn't forgive myself if something would happen to them."

„I understand. At least now. I was never overprotective over Nora. Not even a little and I thought I could change that by trying to do better with her children. As a grandpa." he opened up and I don't know if I feel bad for him or not.

„That decision lays in Nora's hand. If she will give you a chance to meet them and be there for them. Don't forget that you were never there."
I reminded him and I don't even think he forgot.
Regret is written all over his face.

„Well. I ruined a lot of things. The relationship with my sister too. I don't think Nora remembers her in any way. She knows she has an aunt but I always stayed away from my sister. We haven't talked for years because of a fight. I ruin a lot of things."

„You think this has a reason?" I asked getting curious on how he thinks.

„I distance myself really quickly. I am impulsiv and I always blame others instead of blaming me. I am older now and people say I should be wiser but I don't think I am wise at all. Not even close to wise."

„I honestly hate to admit it but Nora has the distance thing from you. She tends to do that too."
I answered and be raised a brow.

„I doubt that she has anything from me. She is nothing like me. She's exactly like her mom.
Passionate and loving. She cares for others more than she does for herself."

„Seems like you know your daughter somehow George." I replied and he chuckled.

„Don't try to be nice Elizabeth. You don't have to.
I don't think I know her. I know her mother and I know that she took everything from her. That is why I kept my distance. Because I saw so many things in her that reminded me of Margot."

„may I ask you something?" he added after some silence and I nod.

„When did you start loving her?" he asked me and my heart dropped for a moment because I didn't expect this type of question.
Why is he even asking this. Why not ‚do you love her?' why ‚when did I start loving her?' as if he knows that I love her already.

„Is Nora an affair to you?" be added as he noticed that I didn't answer.

„No. Never. She was.. I mean she is more than that." I answered fast knowing that this is the right and honest answer.

„To answer your question from before. A lot of moments made me fall for her. I don't know the exact moment. Because this feeling came creeping in. It crawled up on me and never left my mind.
The thought of having her around me permanently kept me up. I never expected to feel this way.
Because I never did."

„Not even with your husband?" he asked and I shook my head.

„I knew I loved Robbie. It was a certain type thing.
Like I know he's gonna be next to me. I know he will stay around. But I never knew it with Nora and was probably a reason why I started to want to have her around me."

„I feel like Robbie was the sun that over shined everyone. But Nora. She is my moon. The one I am always looking for. The one I can always look at. Because she always shined even in her darkest moments and now she still does. I still feel like I have her around me."

„Margot was my moon too." he replied and I smiled shortly.


Narrator POV

„Sir her vitals are doing great. Her wounds healed and I think we should try to wean her from the sedative and remove the breathing tube."
a nurse informed the doctor about Nora's current health situation and he walked down the hall with her to go check on her.

„How long have her vitals been doing this good?"
The doctor asked as they entered her room.

„it's been four days. I think we should give it a try."
The doctor watched the clipboard and then made some certain check ups on the machines.

„Alright. Start to remove the sedative slowly.
I want her to be away from the sedative by the end of the day. Let's remove the breathing tube first because now she won't feel how we remove it."


A/n: hope y'all doing fine so far :) y'all know I had to bring a cliff hanger in. I could pull a good splatasha joke now with the cliff hanger but I ain't that mean to my baby

@AstraLizzie a birthday chapter for u ;)

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️

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