Pain behind closed doors

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Narrator POV

„Beth!! God I'm so glad to see you here! Come here." Lizzie stretched her arms out to pull Beth into a tight hug that lasted for a while.

„I heard the news. I am beyond relieved now that she is back to normal." Beth spoke up but Lizzie let go of the hug now to give her an concerning look. Beth knew immediately that something was wrong.

„Is she okay? Why aren't you happily screaming?"
She asked worried.

„She doesn't remember me.. not our story.. not even my name. I don't know if I am the only one she doesn't remember but the doctors said that she had some gaps in her mind that will flash back with time."

„Shit.. I am so so sorry liz!" she stroked Lizzie's arm in a comforting way.

„But at least the doctors said that she will be back to normal at some point. I know you've been dealing with a lot. Especially keeping the patience and hopes up. Hopefully you won't have to do it for much longer." She encouraged me as she gave me a tight hug.

„Thank you Beth. I hope so too."

Nora POV

„Is she awake?" was what I heard from outside as I saw that the door was slightly open.
I could hear the concern in Lizzie's voice.
My heart aches as I know that someone is suffering because I don't remember them.
I want to make her feel better and help her but I can't if I don't even know who she is... but if I told her to take care of my kids then this means that I must've had a special bond with her.
An even more special bond than I have with Beth..

„She should be awake any time soon." was what I heard next and now I heard little footsteps running in. I looked to my left and Quinn and Chase stood beside me with huge smiles on their faces.
I couldn't help but to smile as well. Their smile is contagious. With those dimples and the freckles.

„Honey. Where are your glasses? Shouldn't you be wearing them? I told you to wear them, you look great in them." I asked and she had a sad expression on her face now.

„I got bullied for wearing glasses.. the other girls broke them so that I couldn't wear them anymore." she told me and my blood began to boil.
I removed the blanket from my lower body and grabbed the IV pole next to me.

„Mom what are you doing? Stay in bed!!"

„Mommy will just rip someone's head off!! No one bully's my daughter!" I spoke up annoyed.
My legs were shaking uncontrollably and my grip was tight around my IV pole.

But before I could stand up and attempt to make the first steps after months I felt two gentle hands push me back by my shoulders.
„Where do you think your going huh?"
I looked up to see Lizzie's irritated expression.

„I need to give the school a visit! Looks like some girls haven't been treating my daughter right and...
I need to fix it!" I pressed out as I wanted to get up again but without success.

„I handled it already. They will get punished by the principal. Don't stress yourself!"

„Y-you did? Why?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

„You told me to take care of them. I did and I will keep on doing it forever." she told me and I felt her soft hands on my legs pulling them up so she could cover me in the blanket again.

„I'm so sorry that I can't recall anything about you.
I want to so bad but I-."

„It's okay. One step at a time don't worry. Things will settle and we will find out how to keep on moving... together."

„Thank you Elizabeth.." I replied and she smiled gently into my direction.

„Please call me Lizzie. Or Liz."

„Okay. Lizzie." I corrected myself and her smile grew.

„Did you guys behave while I was gone? I hope you weren't making any trouble for Lizzie."
I asked the kids who sat on the edge of my bed on the right side as Lizzie was sitting on the left side.

„No. we behaved." Quinn replied and it didn't sound believable at all so I squinted my eyes at them.

„They were good kids. The best I could ask for."
Lizzie interrupted and I looked at her how she winked into their direction and she didn't notice that I saw it. As if they shared a little secret.
So I let them have it because I think they all need it.

I heard a knock on the door and by the rhythm of the hand colliding with the wooden door I knew instantly who was standing on the other side of the room. Lizzie noticed my concern and I felt her hand touching mine to pull me out of my gaze that was directed to the door.

„Do you want me to send them away? You just gotta say yes and I won't let anyone in." she asked and I shook my head.

„I knew this day would come eventually. But I hoped I'd be in a better situation than this when I have to face him again."

„How do you know it's a him?" Lizzie asked and I looked back at her.

„I know this knock. One knock a pause followed by two quick ones and another pause and then one again. Not a normal person knocks like this."

„Okay. You are obviously not prepared for whoever is on the other side. I'll handle him." she told me as she squeezed my hand but I didn't let her go.

„Liz please Don't make him take my kids away. Please. They are all I have left and I can't lose them." I begged as I squeezed her hand a bit to tight but she didn't flinch.

„Kids. Why don't you go and play outside? The weather is great. But please stick together and take Beth with you. She should be right outside."
Lizzie told them and they got up to walk out towards another separate door.

We heard the knock again and I flinched lightly which made Lizzie look concerned towards me.

„I am here okay. Nothing will happen. I promise."
She kissed my hand and let go as she got up to walk to the door to open for whoever is on the other side.

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