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Cobie POV

„This is irresponsible behavior! How is it even possible for someone to break into a hospital. He climbed through a fucking window and tried to kill her. Do you even have a security system?? Any cameras? Any guards doing a night shift outside?"
I heard scar down the hall yell and she was loud and clear so I walked towards the yelling to see who she is ripping apart.

„Our patients usually don't keep the window open over night." A man spoke up who was dressed in normal cloths. Maybe he is a security worker.

„So you're telling me that it is her fault that he came in and tried to suffocate her? Are you out of your god damn mind? Who is running this place?"
Scar has this little vein on the side of her head that started to show up from all that anger probably.
Usually I only get to see that when we're in bed tangled in one another. So this is new and I should probably calm her down.

„Babe. Hey why don't we go get some air hm. Clear your head a bit." I touched her arm lightly to gain her attention.

„No Cobie I am not leaving until I know why their security system wasn't working." she pulled her arm away from me and I only hear my name coming from her when she's mad pissed or when we fight.

„Okay there's no need to yell at me to okay. Hey. Babe. He is behind bars and nothing will happen to her."

„Nothing should have happened in the first place don't you get it. She has been through hell and now she can't even sleep in a fucking hospital to recover from the first attempted murder." scar hissed at me and I stepped back in hurt.

„She's fine scar." I kept on trying to calm her down.

„No she's not. She's keeping up a facade. I know her better."

„Better because you guys used to fuck? But that doesn't mean you know her better." I blurbed out and she stood there in shock that I've said that.

„what are you talking about now? This is not true at all. I know her as a person as well."

„Y'know what. Go back to Nora and keep an eye on her. It looks like you're not helping here."

„I was trying to help!! But you shoved me away like you do when your mad."

„But I am not mad at you."

„Then don't let it out on me god damn it. You know what? You can sleep on the couch tonight. Or even better sleep somewhere else."
I walked off to get some air cause I can't handle her attitude for now.

Scar POV

„What are you staring at?" the whole medical team was staring at me and that probably from the fight I had now with Cobie.

„Look our security system had a leak last night but we are taking care of it and this will never happen again." A woman spoke up calmly.

„I sure hope it does. Have a good day." I taped at the reception desk and walked off to go outside as well.

Cobie was no where to be seen and her car wasn't there as well. „Fuck." I mumbled to myself as I went with my hand through my hair.

„Scar hey. Was your quitting time earlier today?"
I heard Lizzie behind me with a happy and light voice. Shit.

I turned around and as she scanned me and my expression she realized that something is going south.

„Hey what's going on? What happened?"
She asked as she stroked my arms up and down and I couldn't help myself but to fall into her arms and hug her tight.

„I let my anger out on Cobie and she walked off.
I fucked up so bad." I told her as tears rolled down my face.

„Hey it's okay. Everyone fucks up sometimes.
She will come around I am sure." she reassured me as she stroked my back.

„Why were you angry anyways?" she asked me and I staid silent not wanting to give her an answer. If I could keep this from her I would but I can't because she will find out anyways.

„Scar?" she asked in a scared way as she pulled away from the hug.

„is everything okay with Nora?" she asked now and I shrugged my shoulders which confused her.

„Yes... no I honestly don't know. I don't think she's okay. She's handling everything better than I do."
I told her as I wiped my face.

„Did something happen?" she asked me and I nod so lightly to hope that she doesn't notice but she does. She knows me to well.

„What happened Scarlett?" she questioned now being more tense. She probably feels the exact tension I felt minutes ago.

„Robbie was here." she let go of my arms now to create a distance.

„Don't tell me what I think it is." I opened my mouth trying to say something but she pointed at me with tears in her eyes already.

„No scar. Please. Don't." her lips quivered and I stepped closer but she stepped back.

Lizzie POV

„He tired to kill her last night." Scars woke echoed in my mind on and on and I feel like my world is falling apart once again.

Nora has been through hell and now that she is back she gets confronted with something like this again?

„Where is he now?" I asked from the back of my throat trying to sound clear but I don't think I did.

„From what I've heard behind bars. He got caught."
Scar explained and I started to walk in fast. I was almost running.

„Miss let me open this for yo-."

„I can handle that thanks." I pushed the usually heavy door open and walked through feeling scars present right behind me.

„Be prepared for what your gonna see Liz."
Scar yelled after me and I stopped turning around to her.

„What should I be prepared for? I thought she was fine?" I asked as I kept on walking.
But before she was able to say anything else I walked in seeing something I didn't want to see at all.


A/n: been giving y'all some drama hehe love it hope y'all do to

Stay safe
Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


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