Precious moments

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Nora POV

„He's such a jackass I really don't like him sometimes." I heard Chase speak up and stopped next to the her door that was slightly open. I was able to glance in and I watched how Lizzie tugged her in while she was sitting down on her bed side.

„I understand that. Siblings are hard and annoying."
Lizzie agreed instead of saying that Chase is wrong which is good. She definitely isn't wrong about that assumption. Everyone who has siblings knows that they are annoying as fuck.

„Do you have siblings mama?" Chase asked her curiously.

„Yes. Three siblings and two half siblings so there are a lot of siblings who love to annoy me."
Chase started to count her fingers to check how many she had. She always looks so adorable when she counts with those tiny fingers.

„Whoa that's a lot. Do you think I'll have more siblings then just Quinn?" she questioned.

„I mean do you want more? You didn't seem to enjoy to have even one sibling." she asked her jokingly.

„Maybe I will have a bit more luck with another sibling." she mumbled and I couldn't help but to grin at this. She really seems to be sick and tired of her twin brother.

„Well. If mom want some more she will have them. I don't know if she wants it though." Lizzie explained to her

„Do you want kids?" she added a question. Oh how I missed and love to be a part of Chase's talkative nights before she falls asleep.

„Oh sweetie I feel like I already have two. But I love a big family. But I am still grateful for what I have." Lizzie answered as she stroked the hair out of Chase's face. I took a step back and breathed in deeply as I had to let those words sink in.
She sees them as her family and I can't help but to lose some silent tears on those precious words.

„Yeah I don't know maybe some more siblings would be cool. I could be the big sister. I think that could be fun." she told Lizzie and that made her giggle.

„Maybe yeah. You just have to wait and see what life will bring you. But you still have Quinn. He is still your brother."

„Well he's still a jackass." she told her again now I leaned in to open the door to walk through.
Lizzie turned her head and watched me take some steps further to get closer.

„What did I tell you about curing honey?" I asked and she let out an annoyed sigh.

„It is bad and only allowed when we watch sports together." she answered and Lizzie raised her brows at me.

„Is that so? Only allowed when you watch sports together?" She questioned that.

„You don't wanna see how mom curses when she watches games." Chase whispered to Lizzie.

„Oh I've seen her play. This is even worse when it comes to cursing." she told her and that made Chase laugh.

„Are you okay now? Your brother told me why you were fighting." I asked now being a bit more serious and I know that Chase likes to avoid problems. This is something she definitely has from me.

„I am now. I just missed you a lot mommy." she told me and I smiled down on her.

„Oh and I missed you a thousand times more."
I leaned forward to kiss her and sling her short arms around my neck.

„Can you turn on mister tiny dinosaurs light before you go to bed?" she asked me and I nod waking up to her desk to turn on a little night light.
The warm light surrounded us all and I could already see how tired she got and that probably from all the talking.

„I love mom and mama." she told us as she started to drift off to sleep.

„I love you too." was what we both said in sync.
Lizzie gave her a kiss on the head and got up to walk past me by stroking my arm lightly.
I leaned down and kissed her too and she was already tossing off to her dream world.

Narrator POV

„They were fighting on who missed me the most."
Nora spoke up as they walked to the second stair case. If only Nora would know how much Lizzie had missed her. Lizzie still has this aching feeling in her heart that reminds her that she still feels like she misses Nora. Even though she is here. Even though she can feel her. She is still distanced after all. Nora is still standing in the dark when it comes to remembering. Lizzie still misses her even though she is touching her to help her up the stairs.

That touch calms the ache in her heart but it is long not enough to stop the ache completely.
Both have a long journey ahead and both know it won't be an easy one. Lizzie just hopes that she won't get pushed away from Nora.

„Don't you have anything to say about that?"
Nora asked Lizzie as they stopped in her room and with that she got pulled out of her spiraling mind.

„Is there anything you want me to add?" she asked confused and Nora shrugged her shoulders.

„I don't know. I just asked cause I noticed that you drifted off. Are you okay?" she asked her and Lizzie hummed while giving her a small nod.

„Of course I am. You are here now." Lizzie told her and Nora smiled faintly.

„Okay I got two questions." Nora announced and Lizzie listened eagerly so she can find out what's on Nora's mind.

„First off. Did you sleep in my bed while I was gone? And second off... did you sleep in my basketball shirt?" Nora asked as she pointed at the bed and the shirt that was laying on it.
Lizzie blushed for some reason and Nora noticed that immediately.

„Oh so you did? Cause your flushed red face says it all." Nora added in a cocky way and that was exactly how Lizzie used to know her and how she had her in her memory. Cocky and always leaning put of the window with her comments.

„Are you mad about it?" Lizzie asked and Nora shook her head while laughing.

„Why would I be mad? I am flattered that you did. Besides I just noticed that you slept in it because the sheets are in a different color then I used to remember." Nora pointed out and Lizzie let out a relieved breath.

Silence had filled the room once again as both stood on each side of the bed. Nora on her side where Lizzie used to sleep while she was gone and Lizzie on the other side where Chestnut used to sleep.

„I should probably go down to the guest room and... sleep there." Lizzie nod her head to the door and leaned her body into going there.

„You can sleep here if you want to. I mean you've slept here for the whole time I was gone. Besides the bed in the guest room isn't as comfortable as this one."

„Are you sure? I don't wanna invade your space. You've been having this bed for your own for years and I don't-."

„Oh come on shut up Liz. I probably didn't share this bed with a lover but I had my kids in it and Chestnut also gave me her company. Not that you are a lover I mean... okay y'know what? Just hop into your pajamas and I'll do the same. I am tired and I bet you are too." now Nora was the one who became red around the nose and Lizzie couldn't help but to smirk to herself.
Instead of peaking further and teasing her she just enjoyed the moment how flustered Nora became when the term lover came up.
She could joke about it but she doesn't want to ruin the moment. Neither does she wants to make Nora feel uncomfortable. So she took this precious moment in and locked it into her heart so that it would stay there.


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