Asshole officer

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Nora POV

„Miss Lewis? Hi we met yesterday after the incident and we are actually here to talk to you about the reason why you are here in the first place." the male officer spoke up as I glanced towards Paul uncomfortably for a moment.

„I'm sorry but I don't really feel like talking. Is there any way that we could reschedule this conversation?" I asked clearly sending them the sign that I am not in the mood to talk about it.

„We are sorry but this is urgent. We need you at the station as soon as possible. Are you okay with coming with us today?"

„Officers with all due respect. I am still not even able to walk on my own. I am still trying to heal physically from what had happened to me. I am not even in the mental place where I feel safe enough to talk about this."

„Well we don't have any other option miss. Either you talk to us now or we have to take you with us and arrest you."

„Excuse me? Arrest me? First off I ain't going anywhere so y'all can be certain that I will stay here in bed and after that I can gladly come down to the station."

„I guess I have to apologize in advance then."
He pulled his handcuffs out and grabbed my hand to cuff it to the bed. I looked at him with rage and so did Paul cause he stood up trying to do something but I glanced towards him giving him a sign to not make a scene or else he'd get arrested.
I looked at Lesley and she had an expression filled with sorrow.

„Is this really necessary? She told us that she'd come down the station as soon as she can."
Lesley told him and he shook his head.

„It is. I am not risking it."

„Risking what? That I will run away?"

„Yes miss. From what we know is that you have a pretty secretive past. Since you've faked your death to get away from your ex and that you have been living with a fake identity for six years. In my eyes the chances are high that you would bolt out and run away." he told me and I looked up at him while I had my cuffed hand bawled up in a fist.

„This is ridiculous."

„I don't think it is. After all you are a murderer."
He told me and I froze because he hit me with something that is so true that it drags me down.
I've been trying to avoid this since I woke up and this thought still creeped in my mind that I am a murderer. Even though it was self defense I still killed someone. He deserved to die but I would never kill him. Still after everything he did.

„What cat stole your tongue?" he asked in a daring way. What type of officer is this?

„I am not saying anything without a lawyer."

„A good answer. Let's move. We will see each other soon." they walked out and Lesley didn't even look at me.

„Paul. Get my phone please. It is on my counter and I can't reach it." I stretched my hand out and he did as I said.

„Are you calling a lawyer?" he asked and I shook my head as I dialed a number.

„No. I don't have one." I told him and I held the phone to my ear waiting for her to pick up.

„Nora hey. We were actually on our way to visit you do you need anything?" I heard Cobie speak up.

„Hi. Yeah I need a lawyer. Do you have a good one?" I asked and there was silence at the other like for a second.

„A lawyer?? You're still in the hospital to recover I know you need a lawyer soon but I didn't think you'd ask so fast for one. Why?"

„Well. Apparently some officer had an issue with me and now I am in an urgent need of one.
It would be great if you'd call them to come here to the hospital." I told her and she hummed.

„Babe can you call Ruby for me please and tell her to come to the hospital. Tell her she'll know everything as soon as she's there." I heard her mumble to scar before she went back to me.

„A lawyer? Nora what is going on? Why do you need a lawyer in a hospital?" I heard scar yell through the phone.

„You guys will see it as soon as you are here."

„O-okay.. is there anything else you need?"

„Where is Lizzie?" I asked.

„She's still at work. I got off earlier today but she still has one class left to teach but I think she will be done soon."

„Okay. Hopefully class will keep her occupied."
I mumbled to myself as I looked down at my cuffed hand. I don't wanna know how she will lose it when she sees me like this.

„Daily medica-." Paul and I looked towards the door and see nurse Olivia stand there with a plate of medicine in her hands. She stood there in shock as she looked down at my cuffed hand.

„Heyy there." I waved with my cuffed hand since my other hand had the phone in it.

„Is this why the officers were here? To cuff you to the bed?" she asked loudly and I shushed her.

„They did what?? Nora what is going o-."
Scar was practically screaming at me and everyone was able to hear her even though I didn't put her on speaker.

„I'll tell you later. I need to take my meds bye."
And I hung up without giving them a chance to say anything else.

„I'll go and get a doctor."

„please Olivia just give me the meds first. After that you can get a doctor."
I told her and she nod while stepping closer.

„Heyy Paul." she greeted Paul as she stepped closer and he was on the other bed side next to me standing there like an Antilope in flashing lights.

I poked his thigh and he coughed out of nervousness.

„H-howdy. Olivia." oh god this man is so lost that he can't even say halo properly.

„Are you from Texas?" she asked jokingly while she was preparing the medication for me.

„N-nah. I am from around." oh god and I thought I'd get nervous around women. He's a mess.

„Nice." she answered with an amused smirk resting on her face. I glanced back to Paul and nod my head towards Olivia to sign him to make a move.

„D-did it hurt when you fell down from heaven?"
He asked and I pushed my head back into my pillow. Good god he is horrible. Olivia bursted into laughter and I don't know if this is a good or bad sign.

„Oh god if this was your way of doing a pick up line I gotta tell you sweet boy you gotta work on that." she replied while coming down from her laugh.

„I did not teach him that. Dude. This was not it."

„Sorry I am nervous."

„I see. I like that. It's cute." she told him and his face flushed red.
With this whole conversation I totally forgot that I was cuffed to the bed and not even in a romantic way.


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