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Nora POV

„You seem distracted." I got pulled out of my zoned out moment as I heard Olivia's voice Loud and clear. The doctor did his work with me and we were able to do some physical therapy. The most simple things like picking things up or walking were pulling on my patience constantly.
But yet this wasn't the only thing that was on my mind. There are more things hidden behind me zoning out.

„Yeah. It's a lot right now." I mumbled as I kneaded the blanket that laid on me to keep me warm since I am not moving that much while I am still sitting in that wheelchair that makes me feel like a paralyzed granny that is fucked up.

„Not gonna lie the only way I imagined being in a wheelchair was either being fucked so hard and heavy that I can't move... or being to old to move on my own. Since both are not coming to force it kinda bugs me that I need to sit in this thing."
Olivia looked at me a bit taken back but it didn't take long until she bursted into laughter.

„Thank god I can still make people laugh.. everyone around me is crying and it's pretty refreshing to hear someone laugh."

„Who knows maybe the first thing will actually happen to you as soon as you are back in shape."
She winked at me and I have no clue why she did that now.

„Oh don't give me that innocent „I don't know what you are talking about look" there was obviously something going on between you and Lizzie."
She added as she wiped her tears away that formed on the corner of her eye from her previous laugh attack.

„Is that so?" I asked as if I don't know anything and I kinda do. I still don't know everything I should know about Lizzie. But I still feel like I've known her long enough to know that she was more than „just a friend" the way she looks at me with those evergreen eyes I caught myself getting lost in.
And how gentle and tender she touches me as f I am a vase that has so many cracks in it that it will break anytime soon. But behind that touch is still a spark that makes my temperature rise like crackling woods that is still so hot that it can burn but it is calm for now.

„She was always by your side when she didn't had to take care of your children. As soon as it was time for her to pick them up she got up and went with heartache written across her face because she had to leave you." she explained and my heart aches even more as I hear this. I can't believe that she cares so much for me when I am over here caring so little about myself.

„She always bought you a new bouquet of flowers and pictures of your children. I was able to talk to her from time to time when I didn't have a full schedule. She didn't show it but I was able to see and hear in her voice how much regret she has."

„Regret about what?" I asked her trying to understand what she means.

„I don't know but maybe regret about lost time with you. Maybe she regretted not saying something she should have said. Or regret because of how you guys got torn apart."

„I know Love when I see it because I am confronted with situations like this day by day. Family members that come to visit. Friends and lovers. But I've never seen someone so determined about being here. With an on going consistency.
With a smile on her face some days and with tears beaming in her eyes on the other days."

„Wow. I already feel like I need to remember it all but now with all that you told me I am desperate to know what history I had with her. There is something about her that pulls me towards her.
As if my subconscious self pushes me towards her."

„It is your destiny to be with her."

„Yeah I feel like it is. But then again. I know for a fact that there are a lot of shadows where the sun shines. I am sure... almost certain that we must've had our difficulties. Or else she wouldn't be married. Maybe married yes but not with him.
With me instead..."

„You are a really wise spirit Nora I gotta tell you that. But honestly. Forget about her husband. Probably soon to be EX HUSBAND cause he literally tired to kill you."

„I hope she was long done with him before he tired to kill me. I just want her to be safe."

„What about yourself? You should be safe too. Since two guys literally tried to kill you."
And I shook my head.

„Victor wanted to kill Lizzie not me. I saw that he aimed for her and-." I held in for a second and Olivia looked at me confused.

„And what?? Hallo?" she asked as she snapped her finger.

„And I jumped in front of her. He aimed for her.
I client recall it when I tried to think of what happened. I just know I was shot because y'all told me but.. oh my god Olivia I remember it. Not everything and not even the good parts but I-I remember something." my cheered and Olivia cheered with me.

„This is amazing. I mean that you remember. Not the getting shot thing. Come here." she pulled me in for a hug and we both did little jumps while hugging but I was still sitting in my wheelchair which made it a bit complicated.

„Come on let's get you back to your room and you can tell Lizzie everything. I am sure she will be happy to hear that you had a step forward. Besides we are done here for today you did great in physical therapy." she stroked my arm as she moved behind me to start rolling me back to my room.


No one else but you (Book 3. of „Only you")Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang