Gasping for air

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Narrator POV

Nora's first week back went by fast and everyone went back to work with the brightest smile ever.
Scar, Cobie, Beth and Lizzie came by every day with the kids beside them.

Having all from her close circle around her makes her feel way better and less alone. In this situation she wouldn't ask for anything else because this was perfect the way it was. Nora started to walk some steps since she's been doing physical therapy.

She can almost eat and drink on her own complete without any help. Brushing her teeth works with slow motions as well just as much as washing her face and going to the toilet. Okay the toilet thing is still lacking a bit but she's getting there and the support she gets from the nurses helps her a lot.

She finally felt like she was going towards a good recovering direction so far.

It was night already and visiting time was over by now. The girls left two hours ago and Nora kept on training little movement to improve herself but eventually she became tired. Even though she is doing the bare minimum it still rips her energy apart at the end of the day.

„Okay. Before you fall asleep here are your last meds for today." the nurse walked in with a plate of medicine and a cup of water.

„No offense but I will be the happiest person ever if I get to leave this place." Nora joked tiredly and the nurse laughed lightly.

„I bet you will be. As much As We Love taking care of our patients we love it even more to release them one day." she told Nora while she was taking her meds like a good little kid who needs to take their vitamins every day.

„Would you mind opening the window for me until I fall asleep? I like hearing the wind flowing through the leafs." Nora asked as she gave the empty glass back to the nurse.

„Of course. I'll come and check in on you after 30 minutes."

„Oh I will fall asleep way faster but you do you."
Nora joked around again.

„yeah the meds will kick in any time soon."

„That's right. Thank you."

„Your welcome." she told Nora with a smile resting on her face. She took the plate and walked over to open the window and after that she left with one last smile. „good night." the nurse added and closed the door.

„Night.." Nora called after her but she knows she didn't hear it since the door is closed already.

The rustling sound that blew through the trees from outside made Nora fall asleep within minutes.
It was quiet and her mind was at ease which she enjoyed.

Nothing went through her mind except the sounds that surrounded her. The light breath of hers that became heavier with every breath. The small noises from the medical machines and the wind hollowing outside.

But her peace of mind didn't last long even though she wished for it. Nora was fast asleep and by now which was beneficial for one specific person.
An unwanted visitor that broke in at night.
They didn't come through the door like a normal visitor would do. No they climbed up to the second floor and entered Nora's room from the open window.

It was Robbie. He came back because he was still hacking something out. He wasn't done with his vendetta. He wasn't done with Nora.
All he ever wanted was lizzie. But he knows that he can't have her completely if Nora is around.
In his eyes she'd be still in her picture and this is bothering him to the fullest.

It's making him do unrationell things, but since Victor couldn't finish the job it looked like he had to do it himself. He wanted her out of the picture.

„I don't really wanna do this.. hold on.. i do and that is the crazy thing about it." he mumbled to himself as he stepped closer towards Nora.
Nora was still fast asleep and she didn't feel any motion around her.

„they say to die in your sleep is the best way.. but it depends on the method. This probably won't be easy for you. But it will be fast."


Nora POV

I have been ripped out of my sleep as I couldn't catch my breath any longer. I tried to open my eyes but I failed as something got pressed down on me heavily. I screamed but my voice was dimmed and panic started to rush through my veins.

„This is for taking my Lizzie away." was all I heard Muffed around me and it was a male voice for sure.
But I couldn't recognize who it was.

I was trying to grab him but I failed miserably.
I couldn't reach my emergency button and I felt how the No oxygen was entering my lungs.
If I wouldn't try to do anything else I will die without even remembering Lizzie. Without even having the chance to say goodbye to my kids.

So with my last strength I reached out to my left and I was able to grab a vase where my flowers were standing in. I grabbed it and with one motion I swung it onto the man's head.

A crack filled the room as I became soaking wet from the water from the flowers and the vase scattered down onto me. A loud thud filled the room and I was able to toss the pillow away from me.

I still wasn't able to catch my breath in any type of way but I could finally reach my emergency button and within seconds I heard the door open.

A scream filled the air and a shocked face was resting on nurse Olivia's face.

„I need a doctor in here now!! Call the police and get the security in here immediately." was all I heard as I was still trying to catch my breath without success. The way I was gasping for air fast and quick only made things worse.
I began to feel light headed even though I felt how Olivia put an oxygen mask around my face.


A/n: hope I had y'all gasping for air...😉 hehe (I know my jokes ain't the best) anyways

Thanks for sticking around babes

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️

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