A living nightmare

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Narrator POV

„I never wanted things to end for us this way."
Lizzie turned around in the kitchen noticing this soft voice within seconds.

„Nora? I-is that you?" Lizzie asked in shock as a soft smile forms on Nora's face.

„I wish it would be. But I am just in your head dear." she replied while stepping closer.

„You have to come back. Nothing is the same without you and it shows. The kids I-."

„They are strong. Stronger than I am and I know they are in good hands with you."

„You are the strongest person I know."
Lizzie told her but she shook her head lightly.

„I wouldn't be appearing in your dreams if I'd be strong. I would lay next to you.. holding your hand. Stroking it and feeling your warmth.." Nora told her lover which brought tears to her eyes.

„I would love nothing else more than to do this.
To feel your warmth and embrace."

Lizzie POV

My phone started to ring and it tore me out of my sleep. I rubbed my face felling that it is soaked from the tears I've been crying. I glanced to the side and grabbed my phone to pick up the line to know who it is.

„Halo?" i replied lowly still half asleep.

„babe where are you? I've been trying to reach out to you for days and no one is at home. I am here all alone." my eyes shot up and i sat up straight realizing that Robbie is on the other line.

„I'm at a friends house." i replied trying to think of a good temporary lie.

„send me the Adress I'll pick you up. I haven't seen you in months and I miss my chick." my chick? Is he for real?

„Robs I can't look I-."

„you can't what? You can't let your husband know where you are? I just want to see you and spend some time with you since we where separated for so long."

„It was your choice to leave for the tour and it was your choice to not call or text or write me a letter. Nothing. Look I am needed here and I can't come hom- I mean I can't come back now."
I told him as I rubbed my tiredness out of my eyes.

„Your friend can't me more important than I am!
I am your priority you forgot? I was busy with work you know the drill but I am back and I won't leave for now. So come home."

„Robbie I am not coming back."

„when will you be back? Tonight? Or tomorrow?"

„Robbie... I am sorry to tell you this but I won't come back at all."

„D-do you want to divorce?" he asked and I can tell by his voice that he is starting to become angry. This is what he always does when we argue.

„Yes I do." and now I was confronted with silence on the other line. „I will talk to my lawyer to do the divorce papers so you can sign them."

„I ain't signing shit. What has gotten into you? Are you out of your god damn mind to think that we will divorce? I've been gone for what? Six months and now you want to drop me off? What the fuck? What happened?"

„A lot of realization happened in the time you where gone!! I realized how I was giving my all while you never gave me the same amount of energy and effort back. I was never your first priority.. not even second. You've never took the time to actually listen to me and to what is going on in my mind and... and every time when I wanted to talk to you about maybe creating a family you pushed me off."

„Oh come on babe don't be so dramatic. Maybe I neglected you for a while but It's not that deep."
Is he... really that delusional right now?

„Listen. Y'know what??? Your dick never went as deep as it should have and that was a big ass problem too."

„Shut up you know I am a god in bed." I laughed out as I got out of the blanket to sit on the bed properly.

„I wish I would have said that to your face because I would love to see your face. I let you believe that because maybe then you'd actually be a bit more motivated to do more but that is not the point anymore. Your chance is over. I will send you the divorce papers."

„And what if I won't sign them?" he asked in a threatening way.

„Oh I see. You ain't got nothing on me. You will regret the day you said yes to marrying me.
For the rest of your life you will be stuck with me."

„LIZZIE!??!" the kids yelled out for me and I covered the phone.

„You don't have to tell me where you are.
I found you." he told me and I could hear his evil smirk across his face before he hung up the line.


„Lizzie? Liz?" the kids knocked on the door and I shrugged together slightly in shock not knowing what to do next.

„Yeah?" I spoke up the door was still closed.

„Can we do pancakes?" they asked and my heart is racing.

„mhm yeah go down I'll be there in a moment."

„Thank you Lizzie!! We love you!!" they yelled as they started to run down.

„You're the best!!" they yelled out but their voices where muffed by now.

I started to dial scars phone and tossed around in the room anxiously waiting for her to pick up the line. „Liz? Hey what's up?"

„I need you here! Now!" I spoke up as I kept on walking up and down.

„Where exactly?" she asked irritated.

„At Nora's house. I need you here I- Robbie he- he will... the kids and..."

„Okay hold on Lizzie listen to me. First stop walking around so hectic I can hear your steps. Second sit down wherever you are. And breathe."
She demanded and I followed her orders slowly.

„Lizzie Robbie can't do shit. He won't dare. He isn't even in town. You are safe I promise."

„He is back. We just- we just talked on the phone and things escalated and I told him I want to divorce and we where arguing and I- he heard the kids in the back and I think he remembered their voices so now he knows where I am and he- he will hurt me. Scar... he will hurt them?"
I told her hectic and all I heard where some keys making noises.

„Okay. I'll be there in 10. Don't open the door to anyone unless it's me. We are on the way sweetie you will be fine."

„We?" I asked confused on who she is referring to.

„Cobie is with me I just picked her up because we where on our way to meet her parents. But forget that. We will be there okay."

„Oh my god. I- i totally ruined that for you I-."

„NO! No you didn't it's okay. I can meet them another time. Distract the kids and yourself. We will be here in 8." she told me in a reassuring way.


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