Chap 1: Going to the Market

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(Not my art.)

Y/n's Pov:

I could hear someone pounding at my door. What time is it already? Quince laid in their bed sleeping peacefully. I yawned and slowly walked my way towards the door. As I was about to open the door, someone pushed in. "Y/n! You're supposed to be awake!" My brother, Fynn shouted.

"I am awake, dumbass." I grumbled and pushed the door out of my face. Fynn stifled a giggle. I gave him a look that meant I was going to punch him. He backed off, "I'm sorry. Ellory needs you to get ready. I suggest you wear something comfy as you know how long it takes whenever we're at the marketplace." I groaned. He patted me on the head and went out of my room. I nudged Quince slightly making them wake up. Then I went out to have a quick shower.

I decided to wear a white shirt, a beige cardigan and denim shorts. I grabbed a pair of socks and wore my sneakers. Now to top it off, I went into my wardrobe to find my beret (You can change this if you want). I was all set. I hurried downstairs with Quince sitting in my bag. 

"You want to get breakfast at the market or have a quick snack here?" Ellory insisted. I nodded my head and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a leftover cheese sandwich. "Hurry up, Y/n!" Fynn shouted. I ran out of the kitchen and we were out.

The market place was what I'd expected to be. A busy place where people would pull insane amounts of ripoffs. My siblings and I didn't like crowded places but we had to buy food. Ellory pulled out a list containing all the things we need. Fynn peered over her shoulder so he could help out too. "Y/n do you want to help out?" Ellory shouted. 

"Nah, can I go check out some stalls?" I asked. When I said that, they both stared at me. 

"You won't make any trouble right?" Fynn looked at me suspiciously. Ellory did too. 

"Pfft, of course not! Lil' old me?" I gave them an innocent look. Ellory sighed. "We're trusting you into being alone, please don't do anything stupid. Actually, don't do anything at all," Ellory advised and they were both gone. 

There were new stalls and old stalls. One of the stalls that frequently were here was Eda's collectibles. I decided to check there. Who knows if I would find anything interesting? The woman, who I assumed would be Eda the owl lady the infamous criminal in the Boiling Isles. I wonder why she would be here when there would be so much coven guards looking for her. I shrugged off the thought and observed all the stuff they were selling. That was when a girl jumped behind me. 

"AH!" I fell backwards. The girl looked at me curiously. "Luz! Stop staring at customers." Eda told her. She helped me up, "I'm so sorry about that, I'm just getting used to seeing other witches." What a weird thing to say. That's when I noticed her ears, she was a human. The human that people rumoured about. I thought they were kidding, but there she was. Right in front of me. I shook myself when I realised I had blanked out. 

"Um, what do you sell here?" I asked. Then Eda introduced me to all the things she was selling. "We sell things from the human realm," Eda took this oddly weird shaped thingy out of a box. I wasn't amused. When she saw how displeased I was, she nudged the girl on the shoulder. The girl did as she was told, "It's a lamp." The 'lamp' had a wire attached on it and the girl grabbed it and plugged it. She walked back and switched it on. I was dazzled by how it shined. When other people saw this, they rushed in to get it. I was getting trampled and shoved to the side. The stampede stopped, luckily I was still in one piece. The lamp was gone and I was disappointed.

"Aw, don't worry. I'm sure Owlbert will get another lamp." The girl assured me. I softly gave her a smile. I waved them both goodbye and continued on exploring. The further I went into the market, the stranger it was. At first, they sold the harmless and average stuff, now there's these strange illegal stuff. They sold elixirs, wild spells, all the things that were considered to be restricted. I walked backwards and went back to the normal market place. I did not want to go back in there. 

Some of the stuff in the stalls were great and all, but I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. I looked behind me. There was just people chatting to one another. Hmm. I walked straight to an alley and just what I had suspected, the sound of footsteps followed. I continued my way and was stopped by the figure. They blocked me from going onward. I let out a sigh. "What a pleasure it is to see you, Golden Boy," I grinned.

Word Count: 858 words.

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