Chap 29: Disaster Trio.

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('Was the food really that good?' 'Yes. Yes it was.' 'It's literally a loaf.' 'It was a good loaf.')

Y/n's Pov:

"Ohhh, got it," Luz smiled slightly. Luz activated the glyph making Hunter's staff gone somewhere beneath the clouds. "Criminal! You just-" Hunter began before someone had attacked the ship from behind. The ship started to sway and nearly tipped me off if Luz hadn't caught me in time. She cut off the rope from my wrist as fast as she could.

Another blast and the ship was going to make impact. Hunter ran to me and placed his hand on my head. Flashes of us falling were on my mind. The palismen in their small home were falling with us. Everything felt light. 'Where is Quince?' My palisman should be somewhere. I flown on the ship with her didn't I? Then I fought Hunter, he probably has Quince. I closed my eyes for a brief moment.

My head started to hurt. I found Hunter next to me completely knocked out. "Hunter?" I shook him. He wasn't waking up. I checked to see if he had a pulse, it was steady. 'Why aren't you waking up?' I stared at him for a while unsure of what to do. 

"Y/n!" A faint voice called out. I looked towards where the voice came from and it was from Luz. "Luz! Your okay!" I got up and went up to her. She had only a few scratches on her face but none of the less, she was alright. She also managed to find Hunter's staff. She glanced behind me and her face had widened. "Is that the Golden Guard," Luz pointed to Hunter. "Yeah, that's him," I replied. She walked up to him casually and took a closer look to his face. "Ahem, boundaries, Luz," I coughed. What she did next was something I was not up for.

"Wake up!" She slapped him across the face which made Hunter wake up instantly. "What! Ugh, Human!" He glared at Luz. She placed her hand on his mouth, ignoring what he has to say. "Even though we don't like you, we're going to help you and your going to help us. There is some wild wacko trying to kill you dude," Luz explained before pulling her hand away, "Did you just lick my hand?" Hunter poked his tongue out in disgust. The sound of footsteps were getting close and we needed to move. "Hey guys! How about we settle the fights later and just run?" I suggested. We ran off but Hunter wanted to retrieve his hood and mask, I pulled him away from getting it, "We'll get it afterwards, darling."

We continued to run and stopped for a while to take a break. "Where are we?" Luz puffed. "Latissa markets," I responded. Hunter stood there in silence and then walked off. "Hey! Where are you going?" We decided to follow him because he wasn't answering. We came across coven guards. "I demand you to send a message to the Emperor," Hunter ordered. The coven guards gave him a scoff, "What now? Is it 'You rule' or 'You stink'? And besides who are you to order us?" Hunter glared at them. "I am the Golden Guard and I can prove it," He showed the emperor's sigil on his wrist. "Ha! And I'm the Emperor. You think you kids could trick us with a fake tattoo, as if we're going to believe that. Keep dreaming." Hunter was getting pissed off and motioned to Luz to give him his staff. Luz looked to where he was looking at and slowly hid it behind her back. Hunter's face turned red it was either anger or embarrasment, maybe both. "Hunter, we could try another solution," I tried to cheer him up. "Yeah, you heard what your girlfriend said. Try your luck next time, brat," Hunter froze at the comment. He was about to strike before I grabbed his hand, "No, Hunter." 

He sighed and put his attention on Luz. She awkwardly smiled and waved. "How about we go on a run," "What?" With one fell swoop, Hunter had picked me up from the ground. "Luz, run!" I yelled. She nodded and ran for her life. "Get back here!" Hunter chased her. We were all running, well except for me. Hunter effortlessly dodged every attempt Luz had made to distract him. I never realised Hunter was swift at this. Until we reached a dead end. Luz flew up there with the staff and taunted Hunter before stopping, "Can you not use magic without this thing?" Hunter remained his focus on Luz. I stared at him, how was he so serious? He walked back a bit. "Hunter, I think it's best if I-" "I'm not putting you down." He grunted.

Suddenly he ran at the building. I gripped on to Hunter. He jumped across from roof to roof and landed to where Luz was. She was clearly flabbergastered and so was I. 'He did that while carrying me. While carrying me!' I was flushed with red. Luz accidently blasted at Hunter. He dodged it and I was really close to that. "Will you give that back to me, Human!" Hunter hissed. "Can't we settle this in a way that we could both get what we want?" Luz told him. He thought for a moment. "I help you, you help me. Win-win," She smiled nervously. "What do I get in return?" Hunter mentioned. "Your staff," Luz answered. "Hmm, and how can I trust you that you aren't going to betray me?" Hunter made a skeptical look. "We'll shake on it, but first you gotta drop Y/n," Luz pointed to me. We had held onto each other the whole time. Hunter didn't even realise he was still carrying me. He carefully and slowly lowered me down and went to Luz. He was about to shake on it before, "Too slow." I giggled at Luz and she chuckled at his reaction. 

The plan was simple. All we had to do was to distract the dragon and Kikimora, someone both Luz and Hunter hate. Luz made a glyph on the wall and Hunter placed a plant of some sort in the middle. "Woah, you really learnt more ways to create glyph patterns," I stared at the glyphs intrigued. "She made a sleepy spell with a fog or mist to distract Kikimora," Hunter muttered.

 "You know not a lot of people know this but- wait no. I shouldn't be sharing this kind of information to you," He stated. A small squeak and chirping appeared. "Quince?" I looked around to see Quince with the red cardinal. "Quince!" They nuzzled up in my hands and the bird flew to Hunter. "Hey, will you go away," He tried to shoo off the bird but Luz stopped him. "He's just being curious, it's not like he's going to hurt you," Luz informed. "Palismen are made from wild magic, who knows what these creatures will do," Hunter shifted his position whenever the bird flew too close. I laid a comforting hand on him, "Luz is right, this little rascal won't hurt you." 

Hunter stared at me. What felt like a long moment, Luz called us and the plan was initiated. Hunter walked out first and I was following when Luz pulled me aside, "Are you two in a relationship?" "No! Of course not. Why would you think that?" I sputtered. "Because you didn't deny being his girlfriend and he didn't deny it as well. Is there some romantic tension?" Luz raised her eyebrow and smirked. "No! There is no romantic tension going between us!" My face was overflowing with red. I rushed past the both of them.

Hunter flew on his staff as Luz and I flew on mine. We had to wear masks so Kikimora wouldn't recognise us just in case she could still see. The smoke glyph Luz had created, worked. There weren't any coven soldiers in sight so we were free to get the palismen. Luz handed Hunter his staff back as the deal was done. Luz and I ran to the palismen's home to see if they were okay. Some were frightened but were glad to see us. "They're okay, that's good," Luz sighed in relief. I nodded my head in agreement. 

"Back away from the palismen," We turned to see Hunter pointing his staff out at us. "Hunter! What are you doing?" He wouldn't betray us, would he? "Y/n, just step out of the way and let me-" He began. "Y/n! Don't listen to him!" Luz shouted. I stood there staring at Hunter and then to Luz. "I can't believe we trusted you," She spoke. "Maybe, you shouldn't trust strangers easily human," He sneered. "I thought we'd become friends," Luz muttered, "I guess not."

That shook Hunter to the core. I could see it in his eyes. He saddened and pulled down his mask, "My name is Hunter." A blast comes out of no where hitting Hunter slightly. "Luz! Get on the creature and fly back to Hexside," I had to help Hunter. "But y/n-" Luz protested. "Go!"

She ran off. Hunter had dealt with Kikimora and she was unconscious. "Wow," I exclaimed surprised. "Y/n! Your still here?" Hunter went up to me quickly, "Go now."

"But why?" I pleaded. For a moment, it was quiet. "Y/n. What are we?" Hunter whispered. "What are we?" I repeated. He nodded. "You said to Luz we had no romantic tension, are we even friends?" He perked his head to the side, "Am I your boyfriend?"

"Hunter," I didn't know what to say. Either it was from confusion or Hunter not knowing what our relationship was. "I'll explain this another time," I finished. "Oh," He sounded disappointed. I pecked him on the cheek, "I promise." 

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