Chap 44: Laughs, Comfort & Hugs. Plus Walks & Talks

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(Hunter putting on his clown make-up for believing in Belos. Poor bean 😞. This art isn't mine.)

Y/n's Pov:

The rain began to pour and we had to find shelter fast. Lucky for us, a small cabin was close by and we headed there. "Ha, if we hadn't found this shelter in time we would've died," I nudged Hunter. "Y/n, you shouldn't say that," Hunter told me. 

"Did I say something wrong?" I regret saying what I had said before. 'I was just trying to lighten the mood.' We stood there in silence. I fumbled with my hands and watched the rain. Memories flashed before me, what happened at the Owl House, how Luz and Hunter were stuck in the Emperor's mind and those strange individuals, whom I presume were the ones who dropped me off at the Owl Lady's house in the first place. 

The people who I confronted at the alley were three guys all in dark cloaks. One was a bard with noticeable glasses. The other was part of the abomination coven and wore white gloves, a germaphobe perhaps? Or possibly someone who disliked getting dirty. The last one was smaller than the two. They had bright cat-like eyes and their orange hair stuck out. 'Those three have something that seems familiar to me, but I don't know what.' The glasses and bard, the abomination with gloves, the small creature and their orange fur...

I shook those thoughts aside. 'I'll go back to them later, for now I need to comfort my boyfriend.' I sat down beside him. He was about to say something before I cut him off, "Whatever you're going to say, please don't let it be, 'I'm fine' or 'I'm okay' and that I don't have to worry. I know you're clearly not okay, so don't try to hide it." I continued, "We were scared, we thought we'd lose you guys. I told myself everything will be alright and then you both came back. We were glad you both appeared but something was off, you two were frightened, tense. Then you paniked and ran. Whatever happened in there wasn't fine or okay, was it?"

I stared at Hunter. He let out a sigh, "Yes, it wasn't fine. But, I just can't- I'm not in the best moment right now." I nodded and hugged him. "We could rest here for a while till the rain stops, but afterwards we'd have to find another place," I informed. "I think I know somewhere we could stay," Hunter said. 


The rain stopped and we went out to seek another place. Something in my bag was vibrating and I decided to check it. It was a message from my brother.

Where are you?

Why aren't you home yet?

We're all worried sick. You don't have to finish doing the things I've asked you to do before just  come home.         

- Fynn

'Should I message back? Maybe.'

                                                                                   I'm alright, smth happened and I can't go home right                                                                                           now.

                                                                                   But don't worry, once all of this is done I'll be able to                                                                                           come back to you guys

                                                                                   - Y/n

Wdym 'once all of this is done?'

What happened?

- Fynn 

                                                                                     I don't have time to explain I'm sorry. Just tell mum,                                                                                             dad and Ellory I won't be back in a while.

                                                                                     - Y/n


Y/n, what's going on?

- Fynn

I wanted to explain about everything that has happened, but how can I explain it to him? I'm not sure.

We continued walking. Flapjack was beside Hunter, he somehow was comforted by the bird's presence. "That's cute," I commented a loud. Hunter turned his head and a small smile was on his face before it disappeared. "I saw that! You were smiling! Hold on let me take photos of this," I whipped out my scroll. "Y/n, no," Too late. I took a photo of him. He was walking towards me trying to get my scroll so I moved aside and ran. "Y/n!" Hunter called. "You'll never catch me!" I taunted. 

As I was running, I decided to stop and take a quick look back. Hunter just stood there with Flapjack. Then Flapjack turned into a staff and he was gone. "Huh? Where'd he go?" I was confused. I sort of wondered where he went. "Boo," A voice appeared behind me. I let out a shriek before Hunter covered my mouth. "Hush, we don't want to cause such a loud ruckus at night, would we?" He told me. I bit his hand. He released me from his grasp, "What was that for?" I stifled a giggle, "I'm sorry, just felt like biting your hand I guess?" Truth was, I felt my face burning up and decided to bite him. It was the only solution I came up with. "Ahem, we should continue finding for another place to stay," I brushed off what happened before aside. Hunter thought for a bit and grabbed my hand. 'Does he know where he's going? I mean it does seem like it.' 

After a while, we had arrived at Hexside. "Hexside?" I muttered. "It's shelter, isn't it? After all, it's the only place I feel comfortable in, besides around you of course," He mentioned and realised what he had just said. He slowly turned crimson and I stood there laughing. "Quit laughing!" He shouted. "I'm sorry, it's just funny seeing you embarrassed," I admitted. "Might as well try not to get embarrassed then," He muttered to himself and I heard it. "Hey, it's not that it's bad!" I tried making him feel better. "Do you think my voice is annoying?" He randomly told me. "No, of course not. Your voice is comforting in some way," I confessed. When I told him that, I thought I saw another smile on his face. 


We had made it inside Hexside and I gave a mini tour for Hunter. "This is the room where we present things like recitals and such," He ventured off into the room. "It's quite spacious and oh! We could make a hide out here!" Hunter grabbed certain materials to make, "Ta da!" I stood there staring at a messed up cubby. "I think it needs a few tweaks but overall it's nice," He was acting similar to a child making a cubby. "We could have pillows here, we could borrow books from the classrooms, do you think they have a mini library here? You know what I'm just going to look for it now," Hunter rambled and went out in search for books. I didn't bother stopping him. He seemed to be enjoying himself, so might as well leave him to it.




Word Count: 1092

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