Chap 27: Relaxing Plays

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(Hunter our beautiful skrunkly. I don't own or have ownership of the art.)

You may play the video below if you like. May you sleep peacefully my darlings.  

(っ^▿^)っ❤      (I have kept my promise on making a long chapter. I gift thee.)

Y/n's Pov:

Another day of school and everyone who was absent the other day have returned. Except for Amity. Willow heard she stayed home today. Anyway, this morning a special event will happen and although it's not something special for me, it's important to everyone else. "I wonder what the exciting occasion is," Gus stated. "A competition?" Willow guessed. 

Miss Eda and Bump called me to the office before about this thing there were planning for the students, a 'palisman adoption day'. Now that I know about it, I was told to stay quiet because they wanted it to be a surprise. "Too bad Amity isn't here," Luz saddened. I noticed how disappointed Luz was, "She's probably doing alright," Ever since the fiasco at the Blights', Amity got into serious trouble for defying her parents. 'I hope she's okay. Her mum didn't quite liked how rebellious she was. Neither did she like any of us.'  A loud static came from the speakers, "Ahem, everyone is to go to the field for the event that will be happening this instance." A wave of whispering and excitement came from the students. 

We arrived on the field and saw Eda beside Principal Bump. Next to them was this large wooden structure. "Good morning students. You're all about to recieve your staffs and more importantly meet your palisman," Beside me, Luz was smiling happily and quietly squealing. "This is a essential step in your magical development. Palismen are life-long partners, they can become your good friend and a powerful tool. In my case," Bump clicked his fingers and a shining green light appeared. Once the performance was done, a small demon-like critter transformed to a staff. The hat that was on Bump's head disappeared showing his face and his mystical shiny black hair. "Oh my titan," I was shocked to see Bump without that thing. Everyone gasped. 

"Frewin here helps me see," Bump scratched the critter gently. "Now, traditionally young witches carve their staffs from the branch of an old palistrum tree," Eda spoke. "But sadly, palestrum trees are becoming more infrequent and those that remain are guarded covetously." Bump continued. "That's right, that's why I teamed up with Bumpy-Poo-" "Don't call me that." "To bring you," Eda pointed to the sky. A flying creature flew downwards and landed on the structure. "Palisman Adoption Day!" The bat-like creature raised her wings as palismen came running out of the structure. 

Everyone awed in delight, admiring the cute creatures. They gathered around to see the creatures more closely. I stayed at the back with Quince. Quince was on my shoulder staring at the other palismen. They weren't the social type and they preferred to stay that way. I gave out a sigh to Quince, "It won't hurt to make a new friend Quince," I patted her. She sqeuaked in reply and bit my finger. "OW! Guess not," I smiled and gave her a small treat. She accepted the treat stubbornly. I walked beside Eda and Bump as students were beginning to claim their palisman. 

Before doing so, Bat Queen had to explain a few things, "These little ones haven't had a home in several years, they want to feel a connection. Kneel and state your deepest wish and your right-minded partner will find you." Of course, there had to be at least one person complaining about it. "Ugh, I want my own palisman not some lame hand-me-down," Boscha replied in disgust. Willow shoved her aside slightly, "Your loss." 

"I want to be strong and wise to protect everyone I love, and if anyone gets in my way they'll feel the sting of defeat," Willow confessed. "Tender and tenacious, Clover gives her support," A bee flew out towards Willow brushing against her face to transform into a staff. Everyone was amazed, the look on Boscha's face meant she was jealous of Willow getting attention. "Step aside! I want to play professional grudgby!" Boscha proudly presented. The bat queen laughed, "A competitive spirit, Maya will be thrilled," A crab palisman waddled towards her. Boscha's face showed that she loved her new palisman. I let out a small giggle. She heard my giggling and stomped off pretending to be angry. Viney was next, then Gus and then it was the rest of the students. The last person who hadn't gotten a palisman yet was Luz. 

She walked towards the palisman and began, "I want to be a witch!" None of the palismen moved. They stared at her blankly. "Uh, it probably takes a little longer because I'm a human, right?" She looked at Bat Queen. "Palismen bond through emotion, I do not sense any convinction from you," The Queen replied. "That's impossible! I'm Luz! I'm chuck-ful of convinction," Luz answered nervously. 

"Perhaps, specifying would help. There are many kinds of witches, what do you hope to accomplish with your magic?" Bump asked her. "Oh, uh, get home to my mom?" Luz sounded unsure. "Would you still practise magic in the human realm?" Gus commented. "Can you even do magic there?" Boscha replied hastily. "Why don't we stop putting pressure on Luz?" I suggested. Students whispered other questions to Luz. She didn't know what to say. "Are you okay, Luz?" Eda looked concerned. 

After that, Eda tried to ask Luz what's wrong but she wouldn't say anything. "I really don't think she's okay," I muttered. I rounded up the rest of the palismen inside their home. "Miss L/n, may I have a word with you?" BQ asked me. "Huh? Uh, sure what is it?" I faced her. "I will be leaving the palismen here for the night and will keep them safe with a spell, but I feel there will be something that would be able to break it. I trust you to accompany them, you don't have plans for the rest of the day do you?" She explained. "Of course! I would love to take care of them. I'll just go home in return to guard them, you can count on me," I bowed and promised. "How delightful, I send my thanks. Make sure to arrive at about 5:30, I'll leave by then and you may take care of them." I nodded and ran back in Hexside.

The school day finished and I had two hours to change. I scavanged through my closet and found a striped shirt and denim shorts (You may change the fit however you want). I tied my hair up and was prepared to do my duty. As I rushed downstairs, Ellory saw me, "Where you going to?"

"I'm in charge of taking care of palismen at the school grounds. We had a palismen adoption day thingy so that's why they are there," I responded. "Oh, alright. Wait! Before you go," She threw a paper bag at me. Inside was a sandwich. "You might get hungry, so there," She gave me a pat on the shoulder. "Stay safe!" "I will!"

"Thank you again for this," Bat Queen thanked me again. "No problem!" I gave her a cheery smile. She casted a spell that made a shield around the wooden structure. Then she flew off and my duty as the protector of palismen began. The night was going smoothly but the palismen were chirping a lot. "Hey, what's wrong with all of you? Can you all not sleep?" I looked at them closely. They all chirped. 'Okay, so they're getting overwhelmed.' An idea popped into my head. I whisked my arm around and my violin appeared. 

"I hope I don't sound too bad," I chuckled nervously. I played them a soft and gentle tune. The chirping began to die down and I heard the palismen snore soundly. I continued to play for them. 'Maybe I should use this on Hunter next time if he needed to sleep.'


3rd person Pov:

As a gentle tune plays, a hooded figure sneakily creeps to the scene. They... accidently trip on a branch. Y/n didn't hear the sound of a twig snapping, she was focused on her violin. The figure continued to creep around. A small chirp came from the figure's hand. Were they carrying something?




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