Chap 30: "What are we?"

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(Hunter really is a beat-up blonde boy. Skrunkly- Credits to bat! on pinterest!)

Y/n's Pov:

"What are we?" Hunter's voice lingered at the back of my mind. What are we? What was our relationship? Are we friends, are we lovers? I don't know. 

After catching up with Luz, she didn't know what to say. She was confused. Honestly, I can't blame her. I'm confused too. "So," She began. "So," I repeated. "You know Hunter, don't you? You knew him before I met him?" I nodded. "Are you guys dating or something? The way he looks at you literally says, 'I'm in love with you, please notice me,'" She mentioned. 

I let out a sigh, "I- Hunter and I aren't dating. We're... how do I put this? We have no clue what our relationship is. I've tried to process and explain it, but its just confusing me even more." 

We arrived back at Hexside and gently placed the palismen's home on the ground. Kikimora's pet flew back and the sun was beginning to rise. It was early morning, everyone would be waking up soon. "I think I should head going. You should get some rest too," I pointed at Luz's tired eyes. 

"Pshhh, I don't need rest," Luz commented.


"... Fine."

We both went our seperate ways, I made sure to leave a note for bat queen that I left and that the palismen was okay. 

I opened my front door slowly. The house was quiet. That's good. I crept quickly but carefully upstairs to my bedroom. Once I reached my room, I checked outside for a moment. No rustling, no moving, they were still asleep. Peace at last, I slumped on my bed and slept.

Hunter's Pov:

Ever since that, I have been studying on relationships. Maybe I'd figure out more about y/n and I's relationship more through this research. The books weren't giving much information. They just told me to 'be myself' or 'do whatever your hearts desires'.

"Ugh, why are these types of things difficult!" I scrunched up a page. "Sir?" A scout called. "What is it do you want, Steve?" I flipped over a page. "I was just curious on what you're doing," Steve looked around the room, "I see that your researching something."

"I'm researching about relationships," I blankly stated. "Oh," He exclaimed. The room fell silent. Steve stood there awkwardly, 'why was he still here?'

"What is it, Steve?" I turned to him. Steve hesitated but finally answered, "Sir, I think I could assist you with your research." "And how will you assist me?" I glared at him. "Well, we could interrogate people who have experience with love?" He suggested. I thought about that for a moment. It wasn't a bad idea really. "Alright."

We arrived in Bonesborough and went around the market. The market had several people across the Boiling Isles, so at least a few of them would give good love advice. Two people sat together on a bench. "We should ask them," Steve pointed. "Hello, citizens! I would like to ask you what you know about relationships," I explained. The couple looked to one another, slightly confused in seeing the golden guard asking such absurd things. "Uh, I'd say relationships are complicated to explain. I'll give you my opinion on it, it's when you share everything about yourself to someone you truly care for. They don't judge you on your flaws and they accept you for who you are," The woman answered. Her partner stared at her amazed, "I never knew you were so passionate on that." The woman blushed and held her partner closely. 

'Should Y/n and I accept each other's flaws? Haven't we already done that? She accepted me as the Golden Guard and I'm trying to get used to her kind of nature. Now that I think about it, Y/n was always open in telling me things. She trusts in me and I knew if I betrayed her she'd be in deep despair.'  The thought of Y/n in a dark manner made me shiver. I snapped my fingers, "Steve, take notes of this." Steve scribbled on a notepad. "Thank you for answering," We walked away as the happy couple waved goodbye.

After like 30 interrogations with the citizens, we had enough information to call it a day. I looked over the notes Steve had written. Some citizens had similar comments with other citizens, others were quite unnerving. For example, a creepy guy told us that love is something you could never have enough of and that'd it'll kill you internally. It was the Boiling Isles after all, people like this come up with the darkest shit. "I re-read all of the notes you took and I've finally got it. Y/n and I's relationship is... unidentifiable." 

"Wait what?" Steve's reaction was the same as mine. Our relationship had qualities that was similar to what people had said but some was left undetermined. How do people figure out these things? Do people get confused about their relationship too?

These questions floated around in my brain. These questions were left unanswered. I groaned in frustation, 'These types of things aren't supposed to be this complex! This whole time I had thought I would be able to understand but instead it left me more confused. I have underestimated this too much.' "Sir? Are you alright?" Steve shook me out of my deep thoughts. "I'm fine," I shooed him away and sighed.

Y/n's Pov:

I sat staring at my window. Quince was fast in their bed. It had been a long night just hours before. Now, it was already the afternoon. I decided to ask my siblings about the current situation on my love life. 'They probably have experience right?'

'Oh boy was I so wrong.' 

Ellory had only been in a few relationships and mostly complained to me how bad they were. Fynn on the other hand, had no experience with love whatsoever. "You never dated anyone?" I asked surprised at the fact my older brother was single. "Yeah, I'm too busy to confess my feelings to the people I like," He responded. "Are you sure your busy? You aren't busy that much. Are you just shy or do you not have the courage to do it?" Fynn looked at me in an instant. "Are you calling me a coward?" I didn't know what to reply. "Maybe?"

I regret what I said. Fynn had given me his daily chores and a whole lecture on respecting your elders. He was such a great brother. 

Word Count: 1078 words.

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